Felicitation Function 2017 - Success Celebration!!!

April 5, 2017    

Dear BA'ians,
What a day it was!!! Hall was filled with Bankers and Ex bankers. Every face was filled with joy and satisafction of being a banker. Yes friends, today the Career Power (a unit of Adda247) Felicitation Function was conducted and students from various states joined us. It was not only a function, but also a gathering of bankers sharing their journeys. It was not only a face off, but also a session where everyone listened to the Achievers.

Career Power a unit of Adda247 conducted this Felicitation Program to acknowledge the success of 2016-17 year achievers, a day to mark their success which they achieved with a lot of hard work, sacrifice and dedication. Senior faculty members and Ex-bankers motivated all achievers with a piece of their wisdom in their motivational speech. The mighty sky knows no limit so you all have to spread your wings and fly high with valor and courage to face every challenge that life would unfold in front of you.
Your Success is no accident. It is your hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, the fire within you to achieve it. Life is a long journey and there will be always milestones to achieve and hurdles. But you have to just keep moving, constantly redefining yourself and overcome all hurdles with your confidence and dedication just as you did it this time. You all are a part of Adda247 family and at any point if you need any guidance Adda247 and its units Career Power, Bankersadda and SSCadda are always there to help you.
All the best for your future endaveours!!
Hala BA'ians

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- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/04/felicitation-function-2017-success.html
Felicitation Function 2017 - Success Celebration!!! 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 5, 2017 Dear BA'ians, What a day it was!!! Hall was filled with Bankers and Ex bankers. Every face was filled with joy and satisafction of bein...

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