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- A misanthrope hates
- Wars
- Cultural activities
- Reasons
- Anything new
- Humanity
- To beat about the bush is
- To clear the wild growth around one's house
- Not to come to the point
- To play hide-and-seek
- To scare
- To offer less than one's due
- In case of eye trouble you should consult
- An oculist
- An orthopaedist
- A cardiologist
- A neurologist
- A psychiatrist
- To nettle is to
- Annoy
- Catch
- Escape
- Achieve
- Incur
- Match the lists :
- Needlework
- Needlefish
- Needle point
- Needlewoman
- Nether
- a. A woman who does needlework
- b. Infernal
- c. Embroidery with uniform spacing of stitching in a pattern
- d. Needlecraft
- e. A fish with sharp beak and needle-like teeth
- Another word for rebellious is
- Obewdient
- Mutinous
- Intelligent
- Cautious
- Sharp
- The meaning of marriage de convenience is
- A cheap marriage
- A marriage below one's dignity
- Marriage of convenience
- An early marriage
- A marriage which ends in a divorce
- Which of the following has been misspelt ?
- Colaborate
- Brash
- Bracing
- Biased
- Bullish
- The meaning of matchless is
- A person without a match
- Greedy
- Arrogant
- Illusive
- Unequalled
- Choose the correct alternative
- Gave a talk
- Spoke
- Asked
- Gave a talk
- Accepted
- Returned
- Received
- Stated
- Said
- Believed
- Wrongdoing
- Evil
- Honor
- Unanswered questions
- Mystery
- Desires
Shared by Amrita Rajnish
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