English Word Power Quiz for Competitive Exams - Set 80

April 25, 2017    

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  1. A misanthrope hates
    1. Wars
    2. Cultural activities
    3. Reasons
    4. Anything new
    5. Humanity
  • To beat about the bush is
    1. To clear the wild growth around one's house
    2. Not to come to the point
    3. To play hide-and-seek
    4. To scare
    5. To offer less than one's due
  • In case of eye trouble you should consult 
    1. An oculist
    2. An orthopaedist
    3. A cardiologist
    4. A neurologist
    5. A psychiatrist 
  • To nettle is to 
    1. Annoy
    2. Catch
    3. Escape
    4. Achieve
    5. Incur
  • Match the lists :
    1. Needlework 
    2. Needlefish
    3. Needle point
    4. Needlewoman
    5. Nether
    • a. A woman who does needlework 
    • b. Infernal
    • c. Embroidery with uniform spacing of stitching in a pattern 
    • d. Needlecraft
    • e. A fish with sharp beak and needle-like teeth
  • Another word for rebellious is 
    1. Obewdient
    2. Mutinous
    3. Intelligent
    4. Cautious
    5. Sharp
  • The meaning of marriage de convenience is 
    1. A cheap marriage 
    2. A marriage below one's dignity
    3. Marriage of convenience
    4. An early marriage 
    5. A marriage which ends in a divorce
  • Which of the following has been misspelt ?
    1. Colaborate
    2. Brash
    3. Bracing
    4. Biased
    5. Bullish
  • The meaning of matchless is 
    1. A person without a match 
    2. Greedy
    3. Arrogant
    4. Illusive 
    5. Unequalled 
  • Choose the correct alternative 
    1. Gave a talk 
      1. Spoke
      2. Asked 
  • Accepted
    1. Returned 
    2. Received
  • Stated 
    1. Said
    2. Believed 
  • Wrongdoing 
    1. Evil
    2. Honor
  • Unanswered questions 
    1. Mystery 
    2. Desires 
    Shared by Amrita Rajnish

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English Word Power Quiz for Competitive Exams - Set 80 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 25, 2017 sponsored links A misanthrope hates Wars Cultural activities Reasons Anything new Humanity To beat about the bush is To ...

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