English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Sentence Rearrangement)

April 27, 2017    

English Practice Questions with Explanation (Based on New Pattern)
[Dated: 27th April] English Practice Questions with Explanation (Sentence RearrangementSet-46:
Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice English Questions with explanation based on new pattern, candidates those who are preparing for upcoming examination can make use of it.
Direction (Q. 1-10): In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence (S1) and the final sentence (S6) are given. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as A), B), C) and D). You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences from the five alternatives.
1). S1:With regard to defence, the purpose of the military is to defend the nation and be prepared to do battle with its enemy.
A.So in the agrarian era, if you need to destroy the enemy's productive capacity, what you want to do is bum his fields, or if you're really vicious, salt them.
B.How do you do battle with your enemy?
C.But in the industrial era destroying the enemy's productive capacity means bombing the factories which are located in the cities.
D.The idea is to destroy the enemy's productive capacity, and depending upon the economic foundation, that productive capacity is different in each case.
S6:Now in the information era, destroying the enemy's productive capacity means destroying the information infrastructure.
a)   ABCD  
b)   BADC 
c)   BDAC 
d)   DCAB  
e)   CADB
2).S1:Small companies that compete effectively tend to grow, and growth brings increasing complexity and specialization in each function. 
A. Technologists talk about processes, new materials, and worry about prototype results and technical problems; as regards language and interests, they have little in common with marketing. 
B. As the company grows it tends increasingly to fragment into separate functional islands, each trying to solve its own problems, each using its own special language and having its own priorities. 
C. Marketing people, for instance, talk about market segmentation, market growth, promotions and product image, and worry about changes in share. 
D. Production people talk and worry about industrial relations, people arriving on time, and plant and equipment breakdown and delays. 
S6:They in their turn have little in common with either marketing or the technologists who, they consider, live in ivory towers.
a)   DCAB  
b)   CDBA  
c)   DBAC  
d)   BCAD  
e)   ADBC
3). S1:As a senior economist associated with the reforms programme used to say, a sure indication that the new economic policy was succeeding would be when foreign investors start trekking to Delhi in the sweltering heat of May and June.
A.If nothing else, India Power ‘94 came as a welcome break to the power ministry; most of the participants had complimentary things to say about government policy.
B.And there were would-be entrants like the Hong Kong-based China Light and Power Company who had turned up armed with a fax from the power ministry listing available projects in India.
C.Were that the only yardstick, then judging by the attendance at India Power ‘94, at least the reforms in the power sector could be declared a success.
D.There were the familiar names – Enron, AES, Cogentrix, and Spectrum Technologies.
S6:This was in striking contrast to the adverse comments the ministry had been attracting so far.
a)   DBAC 
b)   ABCD  
c)   BACD  
d)   DACB  
e)   CDBA
4).S1: A recent advertisement of Premier Instruments and Controls Ltd., a leading manufacturer of dashboard instruments, in a financial daily, summed it all up.
A. The fact is that executives from companies, ranging from Daimler Benz to General Motors, have been scouring the Indian countryside looking for suppliers of cheap components for products made in their European and American plants. 
B. It obviously does not even have the time to make the investments required to set up a new plant. 
C. Today, most Indian automobile component manufactures cannot produce enough to meet demand both domestic and international. 
D. The company was soliciting spare capacities for the supply of intricate machines and sheet-metal components. 
S6:While some of them do find good deals, many have had to go back empty-handed.
a)   BDCA  
b)   DBCA  
c)   CABD 
d)   CDBA
e)   DBAC
5).S1: Work is not intrinsically valued in India.
A.Although there are large regional variations, it is not infrequent to find a large number of people sitting here and there and doing nothing.
B.Once in office, they receive friends and relatives who feel free to call any time without prior appointment.
C.Quite often people visit ailing friends and relatives or go out of their way to help them in their personal matters even during office hours.
D.Even those who are employed often come late to the office and leave early unless they are forced to be punctual.
S6:While working, one is struck by the slow and clumsy actions and reactions, indifferent attitudes, procedure rather than outcome orientation, and the lack of consideration for others.
a)   ADBC 
b)   DBCA  
c)   BDCA  
d)   DCBA 
e)   ABCD
6).S1:Boxing Day is a holiday in Australia, Britain, New Zealand and Canada. Boxing Day is usually on 26th December.
A.At the time, rich people lived in very big houses and many people worked in those houses. The day after Christmas was a good day to give the boxes to each worker, to say thank you to them and their families.
B.We don’t really know why the name of the holiday is Boxing Day.
C.But when 26th December is a Sunday, Boxing Day is on 27th December.
D.Some people think it is because many years ago, rich people gave Christmas boxes of food and clothes to the people working for them.
S6:Today people don’t give boxes on Boxing Day. But they do celebrate Boxing Day with their families and friends.
a)   BDCA  
b)   ABCD  
c)   CBDA  
d)   DCBA 
e)   DABC
7).S1: Having a strategy is a matter of discipline.
A.A company must stay the course even during times of upheaval, while constantly improving and extending its distinctive positioning.
B.It involves the configuration of a tailored value chain that enables a company to offer unique value.
C.It requires a strong focus on profitability and a willingness to make tough tradeoffs in choosing what not to do.
D.Strategy goes far beyond the pursuit of best practices.
S6:When a company’s activities fit together as a self-reinforcing system, any competitor wishing to imitate a strategy must replicate the whole system.
a)   BADC 
b)   DBAC 
c)   ADCB 
d)   BDCA 
e)   CADB
8).S1: Sixteen miles away from Mysore, there is a dense forest.
A.He felt that his honest ways were responsible for the poverty and starvation of his family.
B.Once there lived a poor but honest woodcutter in the forest.
C.He told them how his honesty was useless and asked if he should try an alternative.
D.So he wanted to discuss his feeling with his wife and children.
S6:They told him that they would prefer starving to dishonesty.
a)   DACB  
b)   ADCB 
c)   ABCD  
d)   BADC  
e)   CDAB
9).S1: As a dramatist Rabindranath was not what might be called a success.
A.:His dramas were moulded on the lines of the traditional Indian village dramas than the dramas of modern world.
B:His plays were more a catalogue of ideas than a vehicle of the expression of action.
C:Actually the drama has always been the life of Indian people, as it deals with legends of gods and goddesses.
D.Although in his short stories and novels he was able to create living and well defined characters, he did not seem to be able to do so in dramas
S6: Therefore, drama forms the essential part of the traditional Indian Culture.
a)   DACB
b)   CDAB  
c)   ADBC  
d)   BDAC  
e)   DCBA
10).S1: Forecasting the weather has always been a difficult business.
A.During a period of drought, streams and rivers dried up, the cattle died from thirst and were ruined.
B.Many different things affect the weather and we have to study them carefully to make accurate forecast.
C.Ancient Egyptians had no need of weather in the Nile Valley hardly ever changes.
D.In early times, when there were no instruments, such as thermometer or the barometer, man looked for tell-tale signs in the sky.
S6:He made his forecasts by watching flights of the birds or the way smoke rose from fire.
a)   ABDC 
b)   BACD  
c)   DACB  
d)   CBDA 
e)   BADC
1) c; 2) d; 3) e; 4) b; 5) a; 6) c; 7) e; 8) d; 9) d; 10) b;
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English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Sentence Rearrangement) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 27, 2017 [Dated: 27th April]  English Practice Questions with Explanation (Sentence Rearrangement )  Set-46 : Dear Readers, Here we have given the ...

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