Tier-III Descriptive Paper Essay-3 by Narendra Kumar

March 8, 2017    

How to Prepare for SSC CGL Descriptive Paper: Essay Writing Tips

Dear Aspirants, Now our SSC ADDA is Topper Ka Adda. We have started an initiative where Previous Years SSC toppers will be Guiding and training you through various platforms for the upcoming SSC CGL 2017 Exam. It's a great opportunity for all of you to prepare for the exam and be trained by the best of the minds of India. 
Since SSC CGL Tier-III is going to be held on 19th March, We will be providing to you the study material for Tier-III, descriptive paper. there are three components of descriptive paper, Precis Writing, Letter/Application writing and Essay writing. Today, in this series we will post an Essay written by SSC TOPPER Mr. Narendra Kumar. Read the below given Essay and try to write in your language. Study and Practice well. 

TOPIC- Social Media/Cyberspace and Internet: Blessing or curse to human civilization in the long run

Usages of social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, whatsapp etc. have dramatically increased recently with the advancement of technology. Although, it has many detrimental effects on the society but its positive side cannot be neglected.

Social networking sites mitigate communication gap not only in the immediate social circle but also with friends and families in remote areas by sharing their news and updates. They provide a rapid and effective way of interaction among people. Furthermore, many social groups exist on such sites which help people to find persons of the same interests and attitudes without confiding them to only geographical boundaries. It has recently been seen that many injustice and social issues were shared in social networking sites and that made a huge impact on authority and that has brought justice to the victims. Social networking sites are a common ground for mass people to share their updates, views and other details. Thus this has created a world without any boundary.

On the other hand, it is often seen that people have become disjointed and fragmented dues to the social networking sites. Most affected are youngsters who would like to spend most of their time on these sites. This has led dire consequences on their physical and psychological health. Moreover, families are greatly affected by this and their social bonding is no more present in contemporary days. People are getting addicted to these websites and thus becoming less social in many cases. Propaganda and fraud relationship have caused many personal and social dilemma.

To sum up, I would like to say that people have become more social and interactive by the use of social networking sites. It gives people a sense of freedom to talk around the world without worrying about the huge cost that incurred previously. However, it has severe negative effects, as most of the people opt to talk using technology than meeting others in person due to their busy lifestyle, it increases the distance in their relationship.

- http://www.sscadda.com/2017/03/tier-iii-descriptive-paper-essay-3-by.html
Tier-III Descriptive Paper Essay-3 by Narendra Kumar 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 8, 2017 Dear Aspirants, Now our SSC ADDA is Topper Ka Adda. We have started an initiative where Previous Years SSC toppers will be Guiding and tr...

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