Practice Reasoning Questions For SBI PO Pre & Upcoming Exams (Syllogism) Set-22:
Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upcoming Exams was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for Banking and all other Competitive exams can use this practice questions.Directions (Q. 1-5):In each of the given questions, some statements are followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the statements, disregarding commonly known facts.
Give answer:
a) if only conclusion I follows.
b) if only conclusion II follows.
c) if either I or II follows.
d) if neither I nor II follows.
e) if both conclusions I and II follow.
1). Statements : Some resources are powerful.
All resources are significant.
All significant are organised.
I.Some organised are not significant.
II.All organised being powerful is a possibility.
2). Statements: All regular are successful.
Some funds are regular.
All exercises are funds.
I.All exercises being successful is a possibility.
II.At least some regular are funds.
3). Statements: All regular are successful.
Some funds are regular.
All exercises are funds.
I. Some successful being exercises is a possibility.
II.Some funds can never be exercises.
4). Statements : No society is standard.
No standard is modern.
No modern is official.
I. Some societies being modern is a possibility.
II.Some societies can never be official.
5). Statements: All attire are balanced.
All balanced are critical.
Some critical are delightful.
All delightful are effective.
I.All critical being attire is a possibility.
II.Some balanced are delightful.
Directions (Q. 6-10):In each of the given questions, some statements are followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Give answer
a) if only conclusion I follows.
b) if only conclusion II follows.
c) if either I or II follows.
d) if neither I nor II follows.
e) if both conclusions I and II follow.
6). Statements: Some married are educated.
Some educated are men.
All men are qualified.
I. Some educated if they are men are qualified.
II.Some educated if they are qualified are men.
7). Statements: All shares are debentures.
No debenture is an equity.
Many equities are maturities.
I. No debenture can be a maturity.
II. All debentures that are shares may be equities.
8). Statements: Some doctors are rich.
All rich who are doctors are honest.
I.Many doctors are honest.
II.Some honest are possibly rich.
9). Statements: No ring is a wing.
Some wings are kings.
All kings are brave.
I. Some brave may be ring.
II.Kings which are not wings are rings.
10). Statements: All queens are beautiful.
Some princesses are queens.
No beautiful is royal.
I.All beautifuls which are princesses will necessarily be queens.
II.All queens are royal.
Answer Key:
1).b 2).e 3).e 4).a 5).e 6).a 7).d 8).e 9).a 10).d
1). All significant are organised à(conversion) Some organized are significant. Hence conclusion I doesn’t follow. Again, All resources are significant (A) + Some resources are powerful à (conversion) Some powerful are resources (I) + All resources are significant (I+A) à I àSome powerful are significant (I) + All significant are organised à I+A
à I = Some powerful are organised.
Hence we can conclude that All organised being powerful is a possibility.
Answer: b)
2). Some funds are regular (I) + All regular are successful (A) = I + A = Some funds are successful (I). Again, All exercises are funds + Some funds are successful (I) = A
à I + A =No conclusion. But All exercises being successful is a possibility.
From statement II:Some funds are regular.
At least some regular are funds.
Conclusion I & II follow.
Answer: e)
3). From statement I, II & III. Some successful are exercises. Hence some successful being exercises is a possibility.
From statement III:All exercises are funds.
Some funds can never be exercises is a possibility. II follows.
Answer: e)
4).No society is standard (E) + No standard is modern (E) à E + E àNo conclusion. But can draw the conclusion - Some societies being modern is a possibility. From
statement I, II & III we can’t conclude - Some societies can never be official.
Answer: a)
5). All attire are balanced (A) + All balanced are critical (A) = (A + A) = A = All attire are critical conversion Some critical are attire. Hence All critical being attire is a
From statements (2) & (3)
All balanced are critical (A) + Some critical are delightful = A + I = No conclusion.
Answer: e)
Answer: a)
Answer: d)
Answer: e)
Answer: a)
Answer: d)
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