Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Select the Correct Phrase)

March 11, 2017    

Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Select the Correct Phrase) Set-87:
Dear Readers, we have given here the English Practice Questions for upcoming  Exams 2017. Candidates can use this material for their preparations.
Directions (Q. 1-10):Which of the phrases given against the sentence should replace the word/phrase given in bold, in the sentence to make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required. Mark ‘No correction required' as the answer.
1).Ultimately, the only way to sustained a competitive advantage is to upgrade it.
a)   ways to sustain
b)   sustainable ways
c)   way to sustainable
d)   way to sustain
e)   No correction required
 2). What exactly have the managers being doing wrong?
a)   doing wrong been
b)   been doing wrong
c)   been wrong doing
d)   wrongly being doing
e)   No correction required
3).Success in trade is the result on patent and meticulous preparations.
a)   are result of
b)   is resulting of
c)   is the result of
d)   results of the
e)   No correction required
4).Competitors will eventually and inevitably overtake any companies that stops improving and innovating.
a)   any company that
b)   any companies who
c)   any company
d)   many company that
e)   No correction required
5).The giant search engine has been flirting with virtual reality but has never quitefull dived into it until now.
a)   yet never fully quite
b)   but has never quite fully
c)   3 ) but ever fully
d)   never has but full quietly
e)   No correction required
6).Under the agreement, the government of Japan committed to provide a soft loan of 19,864 billion dollars to its neighbouring country.
a)   committing to provide
b)   provides to commit
c)   provides committing
d)   commitment to provide
e)   No correction required
7).By its very nature, innovative design is initially destructive of capital - either in the form for labour skills or capital equipment.
a)   either in the form and
b)   in either forming of
c)   neither form on
d)   either in the form of
e)   No correction required
8).A teenager has work out how germs travel on airplanes and what can be done to stop them.
a)   has worked out
b)   have worked on
c)   worked in
d)   has been worked out
e)   No correction required
9).Ordinary salary is just one factor to consider when it come to choosing a university, exclaimed the Director of Civic University.
a)   when it has come to
b)   when it comes to
c)   when that comes to
d)   when it coming to
e)   No correction required
10).Fingerprints are the marks made by the ridges on the ends of the finger and thumbs
a)   over the ends
b)   in the end
c)   to the end
d)   from the end
e)   No correction required
Answer Key:

1).d   2).b   3).c   4).a    5).b    6).e    7).d    8).a    9).b    10).e

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Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Select the Correct Phrase) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 11, 2017 Practice English Questions for  Upcoming Exams 2017  ( Select the Correct Phrase ) Set-87: Dear Readers, we have given here the English P...

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