Night Class Reasoning for SBI PO

March 10, 2017    

As we all know SBI PO is here and we are here to help you by providing daily night class quizzes on new pattern questions with different topics that will help you to go through this exam.
So, here we are with some tough New Pattern questions of puzzle and Logical reasoning.
Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight friends A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S are sitting in two circles in such a manner that each member of the inner circle sits exactly opposite the member of the outer circle. The members sitting in the outer circle are P, Q, R and S and all of them are facing towards the centre while the members of the inner circle are A, B, C and D and they are facing away from the centre. Each of them likes a different color, viz Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, White, Black, Orange and Purple, but not necessarily in the same order. D likes neither Yellow nor White and faces R, who likes neither Black nor Purple. The person who likes Orange faces the person who likes Red. A, who likes Green, faces the immediate neighbor of the person who likes Blue. R sits second to the left of S. The person who like White and Red are in separate circles. The person who likes Black sits on the immediate left of S. Q, who does not like Blue, does not face A. The persons who like Black and Purple are immediate neighbors, and one of them faces B, who likes Yellow. The persons who like Orange and Green sit in the same circle but they are not immediate neighbors.  

Q1. Which colour does R likes? 
(a) Red 
(b) White 
(c) Orange 
(d) Purple 
(e) Yellow 

Q2. Who sits opposite to C? 
(a) P
(b) S
(c) Q 
(d) R
(e) Can not be determine

Q3. Who likes orange colour? 
(a) The one who sits next to R 
(b) The one who sits next to S
(c) The one who sits next to A
(d) The one who sits next to C
(e) The one who sits next to Q

Q4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group? 
(a) Red 
(b) White 
(c) Blue
(d) Bleck 
(e) Purple 

Q5. Which of the following colour is like by Q? 
(a) Yellow 
(b) Red 
(c) Purple 
(d) Blue
(e) Black

Directions (6-12): In making decisions important questions it is desirable to be able distinguish between strong arguments and Weak arguments Strong arguments must be both importance and directly related to the question. Weak arguments may not be directly related to the question and may be minor importance or may be related to the trivial as of the question. Each question below is followed by there arguments numbered I, II and III. You have to decide which of the argument (s) is/are strong and indicate your answer accordingly.

Q6. Statements: Should the Government restrict use of electricity for each household depending upon the requirement?
I. Yes, this will help Government tide ‘cos the problem of inadequate generation at electricity’.
II. No, every citizen has right to consume electricity as per their requirement as they pay for using electricity.
III. No, the Government does not have the machinery to put such a restriction on use of electricity.
(a) Only I is strong
(b) Only II is strong
(c) I and II are strong
(d) II and III are strong
(e) All are strong

Q7. Statements: Should the Government order closure of all educational institutions for a month to avoid fast spreading of the contagious viral infection?
I. No, closure of educational institution alone is not the solution for curbing spread of viral infection.
II. No, students will visit crowded places like mails, markets, playgrounds etc, in more numbers and spread the disease, as they will have lot of spare time at their disposal.
III. Yes, young persons are more prone to get affected by the viral infection and hence they should remain in doors.
(a) None is strong
(b) Only I is strong
(c) Only III is strong
(d) I and II are strong
(e) All are strong

Q8. Statements: Should the Government ban export of all types of foodgrains for the next one year to tide over the unpredicted drought situation in the country?
I. Yes, there is no other way to provide food its citizen during the year.
II. No, the Government does not have its jurisdiction over private exporters for banning exporters.
III. Yes, the Government should not allow the exporters to export foodgrains and procure all the foodgrains held by such exporters and make it available for home consumption.
(a) I and II are strong
(b) II and III are strong
(c) I and II are strong
(d) All are strong
(e) None of these

Q9. Statements: Should there be a common syllabus for all subjects in graduate courses in all the universities across the country?
I. Yes, this is the only way to spring in uniformity in the education system in the country.
II. Yes, it will help standardize the quality of graduation certificates being given by different universities in the country.
III. No, each university should have the autonomy to decide its syllabus based on the specific requirement of the university.
(a) None is strong
(b) Only I is strong
(c) Only II is strong
(d) I and II are strong
(e) II and III are strong

Q10. Statements: Should all those students who failed in one or two subject in HSC be allowed to take admission in degree courses and continue their study subject to their successfully passing in the study subject to their successfully passing in the supplementary examination?
I. Yes, this will help the students to complete their education without a break of one year.
II. Yes, this is a forward looking strategy to help the students and motivate them for higher studies.
III. No, such students do not  choose to continue their studies without having passed in all the subjects in HSC.
(a) Only I is strong
(b) Only II is strong
(c) Only III is strong
(d) Either II or III and I are strong
(e) None of the above

Directions (11-12): In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to distinguish between ‘strong’ argument and weak argument. A strong argument must be ‘both’ important and directly relate to the question. A weak argument may not be related to the trivial aspect of the question. Each question below is followed by three arguments, numbered I, II and III. You have to decide which of the arguments is ‘strong’ and which is ‘weak’.

Q11. Statement: Should India immediately stop digging coal form its mines?
I. Yes, the present stock of coal will not last long if we continue mining at the present rate.
II. No, we do not have alternate energy source of sufficient quantity.
III. No, this will put millions of people at a disadvantage and their lives will get adversely affected and also the industry.
(a) Only I and II are strong
(b) Only II and III are strong
(c) Only I and III are strong
(d) All are strong
(e) None is strong

Q12. Statement: Should woman be given equal opportunity in the matter of employment in every felid?
I. Yes, they are equally capable.
II. No, they have to shoulder household responsibilities.
III. Yes, they should also go into the outside world.
(a) Only I is strong
(b) I and II strong
(c) II and III are strong
(d) I and III are strong
(e) All are strong

Directions (13–15):  Study the given information carefully to answer the given question: 

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two and so on till the topmost floor is numbered seven. Each one of them also likes different games namely. Snooker, Badminton, Chess, Ludo, Cricket, Hockey and Polo (but not necessarily in the same order.) 
Only three people live between Q and T. Q lives on one of the floors above T. T does not live on the lowermost floor. Only one person lives between Q and the one who like Chess. The one who likes Polo lives on one of the even numbered floors above the one who like Chess. 
Only two people live between V and the one who likes Chess. The one who likes Snooker lives immediately above V. P lives immediately above U. P does not like Chess. 
The one who likes Ludo lives on one of the odd numbered floors below U. V does not like Ludo. S lives on one of the Floors above R. Only one person lives between the one who likes Cricket and the one who likes Hockey. S does not like Cricket. V does not like Badminton. 

Q13. Who amongst the following lives on the floor numbered 4? 
(a) The one who likes Hockey 
(b) The one who likes Chess 
(c) P 
(d) U 
(e) Q 

Q14. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the given arrangement? 
(a) Only two people live between T and V
(b) The one who likes Hockey lives immediately above T 
(c) R likes Chess 
(d) R lives on an even numbered floor
(e) None of the given options is true 

Q15. If all the people are made to sit in alphabetical order from top to bottom, the positions of how many people will remain unchanged?
(a) None
(b) Three
(c) Two
(d) One
(e) Four

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Night Class Reasoning for SBI PO 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 10, 2017 As we all know SBI PO is here and we are here to help you by providing daily night class quizzes on new pattern questions with different t...

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