New Pattern English Questions for SBI PO 2017

March 19, 2017    

Dear Students, SBI PO exam will be a challenge given the difficulty level of English Section. SBI introduced New Pattern English Question based on the CAT exam last year this year we can expect more new type of questions, So we are providing new pattern quizzes that will help you understand the new pattern.

Directions (1-5): In each of the following questions, a capitalized pair of words is given followed by five numbered pairs of words. Select from choices the pair which exhibits the same relationship as the capitalized pair of words and mark its number as your answer.
(a) rustic : rust
(b) civilized : cultured
(c) modern : trendy
(d) global : world
(e) senile : age

(a) verse : poet
(b) speech : orator
(c) rock : sculptor
(d) voice : singer
(e) song : singer
(a) clown : circus
(b) actor : troupe
(c) dancer : ballet
(d) instrument : musician
(e) flute : wind
(a) reptile : squirrel
(b) guard : dog
(c) simian : monkey
(d) marsupial : kangaroo
(e) speak : parrot
(a) star : constellation
(b) earth : planet
(c) sun : heat
(d) sky : dispersion
(e) thunder : lightening
Directions (6-8): In each question, there are pairs of words/phrases that highlighted. From the highlighted word(s)/phrase(s), select the most appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) to form correct sentences. Then, from the options given, choose the best one.
Q6. Pointless regulations foster (A)/abet (B) graft.
The more meddlesome (A)/irksome (B) the rule, the greater the incentive to bribe officials not to enforce it.
An excellent new study by the World Bank, “Doing Business in 2005”, shows that red tape is one of the chief obstacles (A)/stepping stones (B) to growth in almost all poor countries.
The World Bank estimates that if a country in the worst-regulated quartile were to join the best quartile, it would promote (A)/boost (B) its annual growth rate by 2.2 percentage points.
Q7. The change in personnel-rarely a good sign-seemed to presage (A)/prequel (B) a change in strategy.
Mr. Kerry made two phone calls soliciting (A)/seeking (B) advice from Mr Clinton, who was lying in a hospital’s bed awaiting quadruple bypass surgery.
Mr Clinton apparently (A)/probably (B) told Mr Kerry to concentrate more on the economy and to step up his attacks on Mr Bush.
That has not stopped John Edwards being warned (A)/praised (B) on the campaign trail by loyalists “They’re going to run you right over and make you look like idiots.
Q8. In other words, there is probably much more to gain from promoting (A)/slashing (B) red tape than from begging for more aid.
Especially since donors, unlike air travelers in Angola, are not exactly queuing up (A)/ freewheeling (B) to open their wallets.
Mr. Putin said after Beslan that “we showed ourselves to be weak, and the weak get beaten.” The implication (B)/ indication (B) is that he will now be even tougher in Chechnya.
Not only is that likely to entertain (A)/stir up (B) more terrorism; it also ignores one of the conflict’s main drivers, which is cast.
Directions (9-15): In each of the questions, choose the meaning of phrase/idiom (given in bold).
Q9. President Saddam Hussein’s effort to annex Kuwait was nothing short of setting the Thames on fire.
(a) A try to achieve an impossible distinction
(b) To destroy the country for nothing
(c) To show his power and might
(d) To make a situation worse
(e) None of these
Q10. One should not stay idle at home; but be up and doing.
(a) Sleeping
(b) Active
(c) Working
(d) Reading
(e) None of these
Q11. Mr Arjun Singh snapped his fingers at Narasimha Rao and got himself in hot water.
(a) To support
(b) To disregard
(c) To deprive
(d) To interfere
(e) None of these
Q12. We are afraid you may not be led astray in by Arvind’s bad company.
(a) Get into trouble
(b) Misguided
(c) Killed
(d) Lose the job
(e) None of these
Q13. To cry wolf
(a) To give false alarm
(b) To turn pale
(c) To ruin over self
(d) To overcome someone
(e) None of these
Q14. To be in dribs and drabs
(a) Without fail
(b) With much ease
(c) In small quantities
(d) With great difficulty
(e) None of these
Q15. A hard nut to crack is
(a) One who is very obstinate
(b) Very difficult child
(c) A walnut or a fruit
(d) Problem that is hard be solved
(e) None of these


89% of selected students in SBI PO last year, were students of BankersAdda Online Test Series.

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New Pattern English Questions for SBI PO 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 19, 2017   Dear Students, SBI PO exam will be a challenge given the difficulty level of English Section. SBI introduced New Pattern English Questi...

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