Missing Data Interpretation Questions for SBI PO

March 31, 2017    

SI and CI questions
Directions (Q.1-5):Given below is the table showing income, expenditure and profit percentage of company A from 2011-2016.
NOTE: (i) Income and expenditure are in million rupees and 
(ii) Percentage increase in profit percent in year 2016 in comparison to previous year is 33 (1/3)%.
Q1. Find the expenditure of the company in 2016. 
(a) 94 million 
(b) 95 million
(c) 99 million
(d) 81 million
(e) None of these 
Q2. Expenditure in 2014 is what percent more or less than the expenditure in 2011? (round off to 2 decimal places) 
(a) 1.22% more 
(b) 1.69% less
(c) 1.83% more
(d) 1.45% less
(e) None of these 
Q3. What is average expenditure of the company from year 2012 to 2016?
(a) 93.44 million 
(b) 92.88 million
(c) 93.98 million
(d) 94.88 million
(e) None of these 
Q4. Find the approx percent profit of company till 2014 taking total expenditure and total income till the end of 2014 together.
(a) 15.77 
(c) 16.47
Q5. If expenditure was increased by 20% in year 2011 in comparison to previous year, and profit percentage in the previous year was 25% less than the profit percentage in 2011 then find the income in 2010.
(a) 83.202 million
(b) 85.6211 million
(c) 81.243 million
(d) 84.2025 million
(e) None of these 
Directions (6-10): Study the table carefully and answer the following questions carefully—
Distribution of LEDs in different states and among different category of people of India under Unnatjyoti Affordable LED’s for All (UJALA) scheme. Total LEDs distributed = 30 lakh 
LEDs distributed
High income
Middle income
Low income

Note- some values are missing, you have to find these values as per given data only.
Q6. Total distribution of LEDs in Uttrakhand is what % more/less than that of total distribution of LEDs in Assam and Punjab together?  
(a) 15.58 % less
(b) 12.98 % more
(c) 18.42 %less
(d) 17.23 % more
(e) None of these
Q7.  What is the ratio of distribution of LEDs in low income people of Bihar to the middle income people of Kerala ?
(d) 18 : 25 
(e) None of these
Q8. What is the difference between the LED’s distribution in High income people of UP, Uttrakhand and Kerala together to the LED’s distribution in Middle income people of Haryana, Punjab and Kerala together?
(a) 144800
(b) 136500
(c) 140900
(d) 144200
(e) None of these 
Q9. In Haryana state the ratio of % distribution of LED’s in High income people to the Low income people is 2 : 3, then the distribution of LED’s in high income people in the same state is how much more than that of in middle income people? 
(e) None of these
Q10. Total distribution of LEDs in low income people of all the state together excluding Haryana is approximately what % of the total distribution of LEDs in all states together?
Directions (11-15): What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series ?
Q11. 7 20 46 98 202 (?)
(e) None of these
Q12. 210 209 213 186 202 (?)
(e) None of these
Q13. 27 38 71 126 203 (?)
(e) None of these
Q14. 435 354 282 219 165 (?)
(e) None of these
Q15. 4 200 369 513 634 (?)
(e) None of these
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- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/03/missing-data-interpretation-questions.html
Missing Data Interpretation Questions for SBI PO 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 31, 2017 Directions (Q.1-5):Given below is the table showing income, expenditure and profit percentage of company A from 2011-2016. Expen...

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