Venue: IOB Chennai
My name is Ramkumar. I am from Chennai
My document verfication was over by 12.30,and i was asked to get in for the interview at 12.45.The interview lasted for 10 minutes.
I entered in and wished good afternoon for the women member first subsequently for the other male members(there where 6 panel members)
M3 : Ok tell me about yourself
me: told my name,native and my graduation then i m a friendly easygoing person,i am an extrovert and also an teetotaler.also like to ride bike and travel.
m5: you are a teetotaler by conviction or compulsion?
me: by conviction sir
m5;because once u start to earn your decision changes
me: i already earn sir,having working experience
m3;(checks into my profile)you had worked for two companies.your graduation
me;bcom ca sir
m5:kotal life insurace ,i think they would have sucked your blood.
me:smiled.and said not like that sir
m3: your next company looks very good profile.
me: yes sir,they are into wealth management
m1: why did u leave
me:for preparing bank exam sir
m1: for 24/7 you were preparing for this exam
me:(little tensed) no sir,just morning to evening
m3: what are all the products you where dealing with your previous company
me; mutual funds,insurance,fd and almost all financial product
m1:what was your salary there
me:22k per month
now started into technical subject
m5;imagine you encounter a customer who is looking for a loan,how will you look into his balance sheet.
me; i will look whether the asset side shows a good balance
m5:what will you see in it
me: i wil look whether the cash in hand ,cash at bank are good.also can look for land and bulding and tax submissions.
m3;what is the way to check about the tax submissions
me:ITR file we can check sir.
m2:good,how many years they see a firms IT submissions
me: 3 years sir
m4:what is the purpose of balancesheet
me;for looking a firms finacial position
m6;what is depreciation
me:an asset getting reduced its value over a period of time for its regualr usage
m5;i have a bulding.will get depreciated
me:no sir ,a bulding attached to land will always gets appreciated
m6;so in balance sheet how will you show the land and building statement.will you show depreciation or appreciation
me:(little consfued) i will show the appreciated value.
m5; ok .but how will you show it.
me; silent for a while,they themselves came up with a solution.
m5:if we minus asset and liabilities, what do we call that?
me:i didnt answer for this, was silent for a while
m5; repeats the same question
me;we call it as profit
m5; profit is ok.there is a name for it what is that?
me:sir,current liabilities minus current asset is called working capital (and starts to think about the answer for the question he asked)
m5;yes correct,but whats the answer for it,
m5:whats is current asset /current liabilities
me;current ratio.(all start to nod their head)
m5;exactly,whats the purpose to do that
me;to see the liquidity of a firm or individual sir
m5;exactly that is what called here also,asset minus liability is networth
when they try to wind up m2 came up with a question what are methods of depreciation
me;diminishing balance method (i remembered only one)
m1; straight line method(tries to help me)
me: yes sir(repeated this 2 answers)
m1;still tells about few method
me;sorry sir i remember only these 2 method
They said thank you all the best
me; thank you each and every one of you.
they grinded me well into my work experience and also into my accademic streame.no questions where from marketing.
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- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/03/ibps-so-marketing-interview-experience.html
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