How to manage time for SSC CGL 2017

March 13, 2017    

SSC is going to announce the exam notice soon, it is high all the students should start preparing for the exam and manage their time in the best possible way to get the maximum output in the exam. 
Time management

Managing your time will make all the difference in SSC CGL 2017 exam. Out of 24 hours divide your time for sleep, studies and other works. 
For pre-exam, there will be four sections and you need to focus on all the sections equally. last year the cut off was 137.5 and this time it is going to be high again. So, you need to score 150+ in the pre exam. Give your maximum time for English and Quant Section.  
SSC CGL's important subjects are Maths and English. These are also important for Mains examination.Reasoning takes less time to understand and to attempt questions in the exam. Whereas, GK is a hard nut to crack. Read a newspaper and follow our quiz on SSC adda. 40% each to Maths and English from the avaliable total time you have. 10% each to Reasoning and GK, if you are not willing to spend much time on GK.

Practice is also must so don't miss. Keep practicing previous paper and lot of questions.
Before embarking on your journey you must ensure to follow the below-mentioned points only then you can expect any drastic improvement in your speed.

1.Go for Basics: Before doing anything sit and learn: tables, squares, cubes, reciprocals till 30 along with basic calculation techniques like knowing how to find squares of 65,75,85 or any other given number orally.

2.Practice and familiarity: Unlike other exams, SSC CGL's questions are repetitive in nature and you can pretty much predict the question types with enough practice. Practice a book at least thrice so that you get familiar with the pattern of the exam.

3. Practice Mocks: Mocks are an indispensable part of the preparation and are not to be avoided even in the initial stages of preparation. Keep solving papers out of the blue even if you haven't learned a particular chapter.

4.Time management: Whatever tests you are writing, chapter wise or full length, time yourself on a stopwatch. Needless to say, this helps your brain become accustomed to a time-based approach rather than meaningless meanderings.

5.Expect the unexpected: Learn to be enthusiastic about solving puzzles, crosswords, aptitude questions and in general all form of quant questions. This will help you in case the exam is in unexpected patterns.

6.Teach: This might sound funny but the more you teach a particular topic you gain a lot of insight yourself about that chapter/topic. Start teaching a group of students or friends who are also studying for the same exam it will help improve your speed immensely.

7.Review: Review your practice for at least double the time you spent writing your tests. Make a separate book listing which questions took more time and how you could have used tricks to shorten the time spent. Analyse.
Lastly, Practice practice practice practice practice and more practice. 

How to manage time for SSC CGL 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 13, 2017 SSC is going to announce the exam notice soon, it is high all the students should start preparing for the exam and manage their time in t...

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