Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary for SSC CGL 2017

March 5, 2017    

Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary for SSC CGL

Hello, Greetings!! SSC CGL Pre 2017 will commence in the month of June/July 2017. In order to help and guide all of you, we're going to post VOCABULARY BASED ON THE HINDU NEWSPAPER. In all the competitive exams, Vocabulary questions are asked from newspapers.

Meaning: a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth.
Synonym: saying, maxim, axiom, proverb,
Sentence: "the old adage ‘out of sight out of mind’"

2. Erudite
Meaning: Well- educated
Synonym: literate, scholarly
Antonym: uneducated, ignorant
Sentence: As to what India derived from Greece there has been a good deal of erudite debate.

3. Recede
Meaning: Pull back or move away or backward
Synonym: subside, ebb, taper
Antonym: forge, ascend, prolong
Sentence: The unhappy memories of her childhood receded as she grew older

Meaning: a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something desirable or valuable
Synonym: particle, degree, speck, fragment, scrap,
Sentence: "his statement had a modicum of truth"

Meaning: sacrilegious against God or sacred things; profane.
Synonym: irreligious, irreverent, impious, ungodly,
Antonym: reverent
Sentence: "blasphemous and heretical talk"

Meaning: outstandingly bad; shocking, remarkably good.
Synonym: atrocious, deplorable
Sentence: "egregious abuses of copyright"

Meaning: bitterness or ill feeling.
Synonym: ill feeling, ill will, bad blood, animosity, hostility, enmity,
Antonym: goodwill
Sentence:"the AGM dissolved into acrimony"

Meaning: absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge).
Synonym: assimilate, absorb, soak up, take in, digest
Antonym: abstain, fast
Sentence:"if one does not imbibe the culture one cannot succeed"

9. Epiphany
Meaning: A moment of sudden understanding or revelation 
Synonym: Flash, oracle
Antonym: Confusion, Secret
Sentence: In the first grade, I experienced an epiphany that girls were always treated differently than boys.

10. Prudent
Meaning: Careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment
Synonym: wise, sensible, reasonable
Antonym: careless, indiscreet, inattentive
Sentence:"That sacrifice may also be a prudent action," observed Madeleine.

- http://www.sscadda.com/2017/03/hindu-newspaper-vocabulary-for-ssc-cgl_5.html
Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary for SSC CGL 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 5, 2017 Hello, Greetings!! SSC CGL Pre 2017 will commence in the month of June/July 2017. In order to help and guide all of you, we're going ...

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