Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary for SBI PO 2017

March 1, 2017    

Hello, Greetings!! SBI PO 2017 will commence in the month of APRIL 2017. In order to help and guide all of you, we're going to post VOCABULARY BASED ON THE HINDU NEWSPAPER. In all the competitive exams, Vocabulary questions are asked from newspapers. 

1. Anodyne
Meaning: not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull.
Synonym: inoffensive, innocuous, neutral, unobjectionable, unexceptionable, unremarkable, 
Sentence: "anodyne music"
2. Approbation
Meaning: approval or praise.
Synonym: approval, acceptance, assent, endorsement, encouragement, recognition, appreciation, 
Sentence: "a term of approbation"
3. Assuage
Meaning: make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.
Synonym: relieve, ease, alleviate, soothe, mitigate
Antonym: aggravate
Sentence: "the letter assuaged the fears of most members"
4. Dichotomy
Meaning: a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
Synonym: division, separation, divorce, split, gulf, chasm; 
Sentence: "a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism"
5. Dolorous
Meaning: feeling or expressing great sorrow or distress.
Synonym: grieving, heartbroken, lamentable, lugubrious, plaintive, plangent, 
Antonym: delighted, exulting, glorying, happy, joyful, rejoicing, triumphant;
Sentence: "a dolorous and repetitive tale of atrocity"
6. Fusillade
Meaning: a series of shots fired or missiles thrown all at the same time or in quick succession.
Synonym: salvo, volley, barrage, bombardment, cannonade,
Sentence: "marchers had to dodge a fusillade of missiles"
7. Flippancy
Meaning: lack of respect or seriousness; frivolousness.
Synonym: frivolousness, levity, superficiality, shallowness
Sentence: "she was infuriated by his careless flippancy"
8. Harbinger
Meaning: a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.
Synonym: herald, sign, indicator, indication, signal, prelude, portent, omen, augury, forewarning, 
Sentence: "witch hazels are the harbingers of spring"
9. Genesis
Meaning: the origin or mode of formation of something.
Synonym: origin, source, root, beginning, commencement, start, outset
Sentence: "this tale had its genesis in fireside stories"
10. Herculean
Meaning: requiring great strength or effort.
Synonym: arduous, gruelling, laborious, back-breaking, onerous, strenuous, difficult,
Antonym: easy
Sentence: "a Herculean task"

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- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/03/hindu-newspaper-vocabulary-for-sbi-po.html
Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary for SBI PO 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 1, 2017 Hello, Greetings!! SBI PO 2017 will commence in the month of APRIL 2017. In order to help and guide all of you, we're going to post VO...

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