English Quiz for SBI PO

March 28, 2017    

Directions (1-10): For each of the words given below, a contextual usage is provided. From the alternatives given, pick the word that is the most inappropriate as a substitute in the given context and mark its number as your answer.

English Questions- phrase replacement

Q1. Zany: The film succeeded in spite of a zany plot.
(a) bizarre
(b) weak
(c) weird
(d) ludicrous
(e) peculiar

Q2. Adjunct: A healthy diet as an adjunct to a regular exercise regimen helps one enjoy good health.
(a) supplement
(b) add on
(c) compliment
(d) accessory
(e) complement

Q3. Lyrical: The lyrical lilt in her voice attracted the listeners.
(a) melodious
(b) rhapsodic
(c) musical
(d) passionate
(e) sumptuous

Q4. Proscribe: At a point of time drinking liquor was completely proscribed.
(a) forbidden
(b) discouraged
(c) prohibited
(d) disallowed
(e) condemned

Q5. Venal: It is wrong to presume that the entire police force is venal.
(a) corrupt
(b) rapacious
(c) avaricious
(d) evil
(e) crooked

Q6. Vanity: There are childlike men in every society who require certain amount of experience of enjoyment to see through the vanity of it and then renunciation will come to them.
(a) pretension
(b) ostentation
(c) affectation
(d) avant-garde
(e) triviality

Q7. Hem: A poor man’s life is hemmed in and bound down by tremendous spiritual and ethical laws for which he has no use.
(a) restricted
(b) repressed
(c) confined
(d) immured
(e) encompassed

Q8. Exhortation: The minister’s exhortation to the small investors to return to the stock market is timely and ought to be welcomed.
(a) plea
(b) persuasion
(c) encouragement
(d) urging
(e) goading

Q9. Manoeuvre: It is becoming increasingly clear that the ruling party is in thrall to its own devious manoeuvres.
(a) schemes
(b) plots
(c) plans
(d) skills
(e) ploys

Q10. Pander: By refusing to come against the political machinations of the ruling party, the opposition party is clearly pandering to the majoritarian political temptation and abdicating its responsibility to defend the pluralist values.

(a) indulging in
(b) accommodating
(c) catering to
(d) following
(e) gratifying

S1. Ans.(b)
Sol. ‘Zany’ means amusingly unconventional or idiosyncratic, hence it can mean peculiar, bizarre (strange), weird (uncanny), ludicrous (absurd, ridiculous) but not weak (lacking strength).

S2. Ans.(c)
Sol. ‘Adjunct’ means additional or supplementary, hence can mean complement, supplement, add on and accessory (something added) but not compliment (expression of praise).
(None:- complement means a thing that enhances or improves).

S3. Ans.(e)
Sol. Lyrical means imaginative and poetic, songlike and hence can mean pleasant, melodious (tuneful) rhapsodic (enthusiastic expression of feeling), musical (of relating to, or accompanied by music) but not sumptuous (splendid and expensive looking).

S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. ‘Proscribe’ means to forbid, especially by law and hence can mean condemned, forbidden, prohibited (forbid by law), disallowed (not allowed) but not discourage (cause a loss of confidence).

S5. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘Venal’ means motivated by susceptibility to bribery and hence includes crooked, corrupt (act dishonestly in return for money), rapacious (aggressively greedy), avaricious (extreme greed) but not evil (immoral or malevolent not necessarily bribery or corruption).

S6. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘Vanity’ means conceited, excessive pride also ‘lack of real value, hollowness and hence can be triviality, pretension (claim or aspiration to something), ostentation (designed to impress) affectation (artificial and designed to impress) but not avant-garde (new and unusual, experimental).

S7. Ans.(b)
Sol. ‘Hemmed’ means restricted and can mean confined (cramped), immured (confined), or encompassed but not repressed (oppressed or suppressed).

S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. ‘Exhortation’ means urge strongly or encourage and so it means goading, persuasion (cause to do something through reasoning), beseeching (ask fervently) and urging but not plea which means a request (made in an urgent manner).

S9. Ans.(d)
Sol. Manoeuvre means a carefully planned scheme or action. Hence it can mean scheme, plot, plan or ploy but not skill.

S10. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘Pander’ means gratify or indulge and so it means gratifying, indulging, accommodating (filling in helpfully with another’s wishes), catering to (providing what is needed) but not following (coming after).

- http://www.examguruadda.in/2017/03/english-quiz-for-sbi-po_28.html
English Quiz for SBI PO 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 28, 2017 Directions (1-10): For each of the words given below, a contextual usage is provided. From the alternatives given, pick the word that is the...

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