English Questions for SSC CGL Pre 2017 Exam

March 8, 2017    

Reading Comprehension for SSC CGL Pre 2017 Exam

Hello, Greetings!! Dear Students, At SSC ADDA, we've launched our SSC CGL 2017 Campaign. In order to achieve success in the CGL-17 exam, we've decided to post ENGLISH QUIZ. Every Day, We'll post different topics, these quizzes will help you a lot in your complete preparation for the Exam. 

Directions (1-4): Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four given alternatives.

Male lions are rather reticent about expending their energy in hunting – more than three – quarters of kills are made by lionesses. Setting off at dusk on a hunt, the lionesses are in front, tensely scanning ahead, the cubs lag playfully behind and the males brings up the rear, walking slowly, their massive heads nodding with each step as if they were bored with the whole matter. But slothfulness may have survival value. With lionesses busy hunting, the males function as guards for the cubs, protecting them particularly from hyenas.

Q1. According to the passage male lions generally do not go for hunting because 
(a) they do not like it 
(b) they want lioness to get training
(c) they wish to save their vigour for other things
(d) they are very lazy

Q2. When lionesses go in search for their prey, they are very
(a) serious
(b) cautious
(c) playful
(d) sluggish

Q3. Male lions protect their cubs
(a) from the members for their own species
(b) from hyenas only
(c) from hyenas as much from other enemies
(d) more from hyenas than from other animals

Q4. Lionesses go for hunting
(a) all alone
(b) with their male partners only
(c) with their cubs and male partners
(d) with their cubs only

Directions (5-8): Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four given alternatives.

Harold, a professional man who had worked in an office for many years, had a fearful dream. In it, he found himself in a land where small slug-like animals with slimy tentacles lived on people’s bodies. The people tolerated the loathsome creatures because after many years they grew into elephants which then became the nation’s system of transport, carrying everyone wherever he wanted to go. Harold suddenly realized that he himself was covered with these things, and he woke up screaming. In a vivid sequence of pictures his dream dramatized for Harold what he had never been able to put into words; he saw himself as letting society feed on his body in his early years so that it would carry him when he retired. He later threw off the ‘security bug’ and took up freelance work.

Q5. The statement that ‘he later threw off the security bug’ means that
(a) Harold succeeded in overcoming the need for security.
(b) Harold stopped giving much importance to dreams.
(c) Harold started tolerating social victimization.
(d) Harold killed all the bugs troubling him.

Q6. Which one of the following phrases best helps to bring out the precise meaning of ‘loathsome creatures’?
(a) security bug and slimy tentacles
(b) fearful dream and slug-like animals
(c) slimy tentacles and slug-like animals
(d) slug-like animals and security bug

Q7. In his dream, Harold found the loathsome creatures
(a) in his village
(b) in his own house
(c) in a different land
(d) in his office

Q8. Harold’s dream was fearful because
(a) It brought him face to face with reality
(b) It was full of vivid pictures of snakes
(c) He saw huge elephants in it
(d) In it he saw slimy creatures feeding on people’s bodies

Directions (9-15): In each of the following sentences, a part of the sentence is left unfinished. Beneath each sentence, four different ways of completing the sentence are indicated. Choose the best alternative among the four. 

 Q9. __________, the more they remain the same.
(a) The more the merrier 
(b) The less the dynamism
(c) The more things change
(d) The more pronounced the transformation

Q10. The stock market is probably __________. And the way the market has been plunging says a lot about investor’s confidence.
(a) the best barometer to assess the sentiment of the public.
(b) an ideal indication of the health of public sentiment.
(c) the least imperfect mechanism for judging the quantity of the sentiment of the public.
(d) the best indicator of public sentiment.

Q11. __________ that in this apparent mess, two things need not be interfered with.
(a) It is important
(b) It is of cardinal importance
(c) It should be urgently understood
(d) It cannot be emphasised

Q12. The highest reward for a man’s toil is not what he gets for it, but what __________
(a) he makes out of it.
(b) he gets for others.
(c) he has overcome through it.
(d) he becomes by it.

Q13. Wines that yield a good commercial profit __________ in the same limited areas of France as now.
(a) seem to have been produced.
(b) appear to have a remarkable semblance
(c) bear a significant similarity in terms of production to those grown
(d) appear to have been similarly produced

Q14. In pursuance of their decision to resist what they saw as anti-labour policies, the company employees’ union launched agitation to __________.
(a) show their virility
(b) reaffirm their commitment to the company
(c) bring down the government
(d) demonstrate their strength

Q15. The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition as it has developed up to now, with all its diverse proponents, is that it consists of a __________ Plato.
(a) series of footnotes to
(b) set of prologues to
(c) collection of chapters on
(d) string of commentaries to

- http://www.sscadda.com/2017/03/english-questions-for-ssc-cgl-pre-2017_8.html
English Questions for SSC CGL Pre 2017 Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 8, 2017 Hello, Greetings!! Dear Students, At SSC ADDA, we've launched our SSC CGL 2017 Campaign. In order to achieve success in the CGL-17 ex...

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