English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Sentence Rearrangement)

March 10, 2017    

English Practice Questions with Explanation (Based on New Pattern)
English Practice Questions with Explanation (Sentence Rearrangement) Set-28:
Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice English Questions with explanation based on new pattern, candidates those who are preparing for upcoming examination can make use of it.
Direction (Q. 1-10): In each of the questions below, five sentences are given which are denoted by A), B), C), D) and E). By using all the five sentences you have to frame a meaningful paragraph. The correct order of the sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order of sentences and mark it as your answer.
1). A.Experts such as Larry Burns, head of research at GM, reckon that only such a full hearted leap will allow the world to cope with the mass motorization that will one day come to China or India.
B.But once hydrogen is being produced from biomass or extracted from underground coal or made from water, using nuclear or renewable electricity, the way will be open for a huge reduction in carbon emissions from the whole system.
C.In theory, once all the bugs have been sorted out, fuel cells should deliver better total fuel economy than any existing engines.
D.That is twice as good as the internal combustion engine, but only five percentage points better than a diesel hybrid.
E.Allowing for the resources needed to extract hydrogen from hydrocarbon, oil, coal or gas, the fuel cell has an efficiency of 30 %.
a)   CEDBA   
b)   CEBDA    
c)   AEDBC    
d)   ACEBD  
e)   BEDCA
2). A.Who can trace to its first beginnings the love of Damon for Pythias, of David for Jonathan, of Swan for Edgar?
B.Similarly with men.
C.There is about great friendships between man and man a certain inevitability that can only be compared with the ageold association of ham and eggs.
D.One simply feels that it is one of the things that must be so.
E.No one can say what was the mutual magnetism that brought the deathless partnership of these wholesome and palatable foodstuffs about.
a)   ACBED  
b)   CEDBA  
c)   ACEBD   
d)   CEABD  
e)   EADBC
3). A.Call it the third wave sweeping the Indian media.
B.Now, they are starring in a new role, as suave dealmakers who are in a hurry to strike alliances and agreements.
C.Look around and you will find a host of deals that have been inked or are ready to be finalized.
D.Then the media barons wrested back control from their editors, and turned marketing warriors with the brand as their missile.
E.The first came with those magnificent men in their mahogany chambers who took on the world with their mighty fountain pens.
a)   ACBED
b)   CEBDA   
c)   CAEBD   
d)   AEDBC  
e)   BDEAC
4). A.I am much more intolerant of a human being’s shortcomings than I am of an animal’s, but in this respect I have been lucky, for most of the people I have come across have been charming.
B.Then you come across the unpleasant human animal—the District Officer who drawled, “We chaps are here to help you chaps,’ and then proceeded to be as obstructive as possible.
C.In these cases of course, the fact that you are an animal collector helps; people always seem delighted to meet someone with such an unusual occupation and go out of their way to assist you.
D.Fortunately, these types are rare, and the pleasant ones I have met more than compensated for them—but even so, I think I will stick to animals.
E.When you travel round the world collecting animals you also, of necessity, collect human beings.
a)   EACBD   
b)   ABDCE  
c)   ECBDA
d)   ACBDE 
e)   BACED
5). A.It involves the configuration of a tailored value chain that enables a company to offer unique value.
B.Having a strategy is a matter of discipline; it requires a strong focus on profitability and a willingness to make tough tradeoffs in choosing what not to do.
C.Strategy goes far beyond the pursuit of best practices.
D.A company must stay the course even during times of upheaval, while constantly improving and extending its distinctive positioning.
E.When a company’s activities fit together as a self-reinforcing system, any competitor wishing to imitate a strategy must replicate the whole system.
a)   ACEDB   
b)   CBDEA   
c)   DCBEA
d)   ABCED 
e)   BDCAE
6). A.This fact was established in the 1730s by French survey expeditions to Equador near the Equator and Lapland in the Arctic, which found that around the middle of the earth the arc was about a kilometer shorter.
B.One of the unsettled scientific questions in the late 18th century was the exact nature of the shape of the earth.
C.The length of one-degree arc would be less near the equatorial latitudes than at the poles.
D.One way of doing that is to determine the length of the arc along a chosen longitude or meridian at one-degree latitude separation.
E.While it was generally known that the earth was not a sphere but an ‘oblate spheroid’, more curved at the equator and flatter at the poles, the question of ‘how much more’ was yet to be established
a)   BECAD  
b)   BEDCA   
c)   EDACB   
d)   EBDCA  
e)   ADBCE
7). A.If caught in the act, they were punished, not for the crime, but for allowing themselves to be caught another lash of the whip.
B.The bellicose Spartans sacrificed all the finer things in life for military expertise.
C.Those fortunate enough to survive babyhood were taken away from their mothers at the age of seven to undergo rigorous military training.
D.This consisted mainly of beatings and deprivations of all kinds like going around barefoot in winter, and worse, starvation so that they would be forced to steal food to survive.
E.Male children were examined at birth by the city council and those deemed too weak to become soldiers were left to die of exposure.
a)   BECDA   
b)   ECADB  
c)   BCDAE 
d)   ECDAB 
e)   EDACB
8). A. Both parties use capital and labour in the struggle to secure property rights.
B. The thief spends time and money in his attempt to steal (he buys wire cutters) and the legitimate property owner expends resources to prevent the theft (he buys locks).
C.A social cost of theft is that both the thief and the potential victim use resources to gain or maintain control over property.
D. These costs may escalate as a type of technological arms race unfolds.
E. A bank may purchase more and more complicated and sophisticated safes, forcing safecrackers to invest further in safecracking equipment.
a)   ABCDE   
b)   CABDE    
c)   ACBED   
d)   CBEDA 
e)   BCADE
9). A.Since then, intelligence tests have been mostly used to separate dull children in school from average or bright children, so that special education can be provided to the dull.
B.In other words, intelligence tests give us a norm for each age.
C.Intelligence is expressed as intelligence quotient, and tests are developed to indicate what an average child of a certain age can do: what a 5-year-old can answer, but a 4-year-old cannot, for instance.
D.Binet developed the first set of such tests in the early 1900s to find out which children in school needed special attention.
E.Intelligence can be measured by tests.
a)   CDABE   
b)   DECAB   
c)   EDACB   
d)   CBADE
e)   BADCE
10). A.Similarly, turning to caste, even though being lower caste is undoubtedly a separate cause of disparity, its impact is all the greater when the lower-caste families also happen to be poor.
B.Belonging to a privileged class can help a woman to overcome many barriers that obstruct women from less thriving classes.
C.It is the interactive presence of these two kinds of deprivation—being low class and being female—that massively impoverishes women from the less privileged classes.
D.A congruence of class deprivation and gender discrimination can blight the lives of poorer women very severely.
E.Gender is certainly a contributor to societal inequality, but it does not act independently of class.
a)   EABDC
b)   EBDCA   
c)   DAEBC   
d)   BECDA  
e)   ADEBC
1) a; 2) b; 3) d; 4) a; 5) e; 6) b; 7) a; 8) b; 9) c; 10) b;

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English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Sentence Rearrangement) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 10, 2017 English Practice Questions with Explanation (Sentence Rearrangement )   Set-28 : Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice English Que...

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