English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Error Spot)

March 1, 2017    

English Practice Questions with Explanation (Based on New Pattern)
English Practice Questions with Explanation (Error SpotSet-25:
Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice English Questions with explanation based on new pattern, candidates those who are preparing for upcoming examination can make use of it.
Directions (Q 1-10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one or more sentence. Then choose the sentence(s) without error as your answer. If there is error in all the sentences, then your answer is e). (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)
1). A.Hindi films are certainly popular in the last decade but in these days our regional films have attained more popularity.
B.The reason for my taking up this profession is that this vast country of our has not a sufficient number of qualified doctors.
C.This was the opportunity the swindler was seeking, and he at once touch the feet of the sage for blessings, "O Guruji, please accept me as your disciple.
D.The Secretary and the Principal of the college are attending the District Development Council Meeting at the Collectorate.
a)   Only C  
b)   Only D 
c)   Both B & D  
d)   Both C & A 
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
2).A. The long-awaited moment at last came and we sent out for the station as merry a band of children as I have ever seen before or since.
B.Many times the news has been published in the papers that the end of the world will be certain if a nuclear war breaks out.
C.Congress dissidents and a wide range among the opposition has mounted a campaign to have the president          re-nominated.
D.The crisis they are facing is the most critical natural disaster that ever happened in the Thai history.
a)   Only D 
b)   Only A  
c)   Both A & C  
d)   Both D & B  
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
3).A. That day when they brought her back for the last time, there were many old-timers who were shocked and fearful.
B.It is the families of the victims of the horror and the millions of Afghan refugees whose lives have been turned down upside.
C.Shiksha Sahayog Yojana was launched with the object to lessen the burden of parents in meeting the educational expenses of the children.
D.The importance of sports in harnessing the power of youth towards nation building and economic development was evident ever since the 1986 Olympic games.
a)   Only A    
b)   Only B 
c)   Both B & D  
d)   Both A & C   
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
4). A.Since the commencement of the Constitution in 1950, it is for the third time that governors-this time as much as nine-have had to go following a change of guard at the Centre.
B. Women riding pillion on two-wheelers in the capital have to compulsorily wear helmets, according to the final notification issued by Delhi government.
C. Lawmaking is the routine business of government, and reviewing for possible repeal should also happen routinely.
D. The poverty estimates indicate that the highest poverty headcount ratio exist in Bihar at fifty four percent as against the national average of thirty percent.
a)   Only B  
b)   Only A 
c)   Both B & D 
d)   Both C & A  
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
5). A.An important objective of development planning in India has been to provide for increasing employment opportunities not only to meet the backlog of the unemployed but also the new additions to the labor force.
B.The predominant presence of the textile industry in the Indian economy is manifested in its significant contribution to industrial production, employment generation, and foreign exchange earnings.
C.Arun Jaitley’s life has been full or dramatic loops, sudden upswings and a few downturns, till finally he’s arrived at a job that has him at the helm of the nation’s economic affairs.
D.The declaring of a long-term ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, after 50 days of off-again, on-again fighting, has brought immediate relief to both sides of the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip.
a)   Only A  
b)   Only B  
c)   Both B & C 
d)   Both A & D  
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
6). A.The roll of the institute is to provide technical support to other institutions and to constantly monitor their facilities and performance.
B.The significant future is that none of the ancient Indian scientists claimed originality of their theories.
C.The most popular method adopted by an organization to communicate job vacancies to the public is through advertisement.
D.The police could arrest only one thief of the club robbery and many of them are still in large.
a)   Only C 
b)   Only B  
c)   Both B & D  
d)   Both A & C   
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
7). A.A serial entrepreneur who made his first fortune  in the early days of world wide web he has since helped find a solar power company to generate green electricity
B.The three-day trip that India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, made to china is seen in some quarter as a chance to reset the relationship between Asia’s two giants
C.All government officials above the rank of undersecretary have been issued circulars by their respective ministries to ask them to attend yoga classes in the run-up to the event.
D.The char bodies of two women were recovered from a burning pile of dried cow dung at Sultanpur village.
a)   Only A  
b)   Only B  
c)   Both B & C  
d)   Both A & C   
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
8). A. With so many options lined up in this competitive world, one has to watch out for a proper specialization and a suitable institute before deciding on anything.
B.The holy man took some roasted chickpeas and raisins from his pouch and gave them of the woodcutter.
C.While presenting his maiden speech Shyam seemed very confidently and people responded very well.
D.A total of ten blocks will be on offer in the third round of coal auctions which will take place between August 11 to August 17.
a)   Only A  
b)   Only B  
c)   Both B & D  
d)   Both A & C   
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
9). A. The lay-offs come among the continued debate over immigration reform in the US as the temporary work visas are at the centre of a fierce debate in Congress.
B. Economic laws typically aims at balancing competing interests of various stakeholders as well as interests of government departments charged with implementing such laws.
C. Providing two special economic zones exclusively for Indian investors is a clear reflection of Bangladesh’s positive intent.
D. On a separate occasion, the High Court rapped the Director-General of Police for forwarding a complaint against Raj to the state government instead of ordering an enquiry into it.
a)   Only D  
b)   Only A  
c)   Both C & D  
d)   Both B & A  
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
10). A.A letter of credit is a guarantee issued by the importer’s bank that it will honor payment up to certain amount of export bills to the bank of the exporter.
B.Widows by far outnumber widowers, because studies show that women live longer than men and tend to marry men older than themselves.
C.A private company is one which restricts transfer of shares and does not invite the public to subscribe its shares.
D.We couldn’t set up the computer network ourselves, so we are banking with an IT engineer from the university to set it up for us.
a)   Only C  
b)   Only B  
c)   Both B & D  
d)   Both C & A  
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
1). Answer: b)
In A, change ‘are certainly’ into “had certainly been”; In B, replace ‘touch’ by “touched” since it is the past sentence; In C, change ‘our’ into "ours".
2). Answer: d)
In A, “ever seen since or before” should come in place of ‘ever seen before or since’; In C, replace ‘has’ by “have”.
3). Answer: d)
In B, “turned upside down” should come in place of ‘turned down upside’;  In D, Replace ‘was’ with “has been”.
4). Answer: e)
In A, replace ‘much’ with “many”; In B, Insert “the” before ‘Delhi’; In C, replace ‘reviewing’ with “review”; In D, Replace ‘exist’ with “exists”.
5). Answer: c)
In A, It should be “to meet not only” instead of ‘not only to meet’; In D, Replace ‘declaring’ with “declaration”.
6). Answer: a)
In A, replace ‘roll’ by “role”; In B, replace ‘future’ by “feature”; In D, replace ‘in’ by “at”.
7). Answer: e)
In A, Replace ‘find’ with “found”; In B, Replace ‘quarter’ with “quarters” ; In C, Replace “to ask” with “asking”; In D, Replace ‘Char’ with “charred”.
8). Answer: a)
In B, replace ‘of’ with “to”; In C, Replace ‘confidently’ with “confident”; In D, Replace ‘to’ with “and”.
9). Answer: c)
In A, Replace ‘among’ with “amid”; In B, Replace ‘aims’ with “aim”;
10). Answer: b)

In A, Insert “a” before ‘certain’; In C, Insert “to” before ‘its’; In D, Replace ‘with’ with “on”.
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English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Error Spot) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 1, 2017 English Practice Questions with Explanation ( Error Spot )  Set-25 : Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice English Questions with ...

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