Dear Readers,
Welcome to the world of Banking and Financial Awareness. With SBI PO Prelims round the corner, it should be your priority to cover every aspect of Banking and Financial Awareness on daily basis. Let us see how many questions you attempt accurately.

Q1. The Economic Survey is compiled by the-
(a) Ministry of Home Affairs
(b) Ministry of Finance
(c) Ministry of Rural Development
(d) Central Board of Direct Taxes
(e) Other than the given options
Q2. The economy of India is/are facing which of the following problem/problems now days?
I. Huge trade deficits.
II. Disequilibrium in balance of payments.
III. High inflation and high food and commodity prices.
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) I and III
(d) Only III
(e) Other than the given options
Q3. The primary monetary policy technique employed by the Reserve Bank of India is _________.
(a) Reserve requirements
(b) Open market operations
(c) Discount policy
(d) Margin requirements
(e) Other than the given options
Q4. Which of the following terms is not used in Economics or Banking?
(a) Balance of Payment
(b) Call Money
(c) National Debt
(d) Elasticity of Demand
(e) Boyle’s Law
Q5. The Reserve Bank of India is regularly revising upwards the repo and reverse repo rate. Why is this being reported to?
(a) To check inflationary pressures in the economy
(b) To curb growth of black money
(c) To encourage rise in interest rates on deposits.
(d) To make bank loan costlier
(e) Other than the given options
Q6. Which of the following is not a financial institution?
(e) Other than the given options
Q7. Which of the following will help poor in a country to come out from poverty?
I. If they get good health services.
II. If they have freedom from illiteracy.
III. If the nation attains optimum sex ratio.
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) I and II
(d) Only III
(e) Other than the given options
Q8. An Asset Management Company is promoted for which of the following purposes?
(a) To manage the assets of insurance company
(b) To manage the funds of a mutual fund
(c) To manage loans taken from other banks
(d) To manage the assets of NBFCs
(e) Other than the given options
Q9. In the context of banking, what is ‘Loan Servicing’?
I. It is the process by which a mortgage bank collects the timely payment of interest and principal from borrowers.
II. It is the after sales service provided by the banks to the customers.
III. It is the facility provided by the banks to make the loans easily accessible to the customers.
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) I and III
(d) Only III
(e) Other than the given options
Q10. Which of the following is not the part of prudential guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India?
(a) Provisioning
(b) Loan recovery rules
(c) Asset classification
(d) Income recognition
(e) Other than the given options
Q11. When the rate of inflation increases-
(a) purchasing power of money increases
(b) purchasing power of money decreases
(c) value of money increases
(d) purchasing power of money remains unaffected
(e) amount of money in circulation decrease
Q12. In recent years it has been recognized increasingly that a large segment of the rural population is out of the reach of the formal banking services. Which of the following is the name of the concept floated to bring most of these rural persons in the net of financial and banking services?
(a) Corporate Governance
(b) Financial Inclusion
(c) Wealth Creation
(d) Credit Management
(e) Risk Management
Q13. When the growth of GDP in a country slows down suddenly, people start losing their jobs and the situation continues for several weeks, what name is given to this state of economy (A big country was in this state recently)?
(a) Inflation
(b) Recession
(c) Deflation
(d) Economic boom
(e) Other than the given options
Q14. In economic terms, the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year is known as.........?
(c) Inflation
(e) Wealth of a nation
Q15. GNP stands for-
(a) Gross National Product
(b) Group Net Product
(c) Grand Nuclear Process
(d) Group Network Process
(e) Other than the given options
Answers will be updated soon........
All the best for your future aspirations.Stay committed!!!
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