Dear Readers,
Now no need to go here and there in the search of job notification and doubts while filling them because we are providing you all weekly job notification in one video and with the guidelines of filling it.
Here we provide you the important information about upcoming vacancies
Ministry Of Defence
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION:- B.E/B. Tech (first division) or M.E./M. Tech (first division both at Graduate and Post Graduate)
*VALID GATE Score is necessary.
AGE :- Maximum of 28 years as on 8th April 2017
You need to send a Crossed Indian Postal Order of Rs. 10/- drawn in favour of Director, VRDE, Vahannagar Post Office, Ahmednagar-414 006 along with the application.
STIPEND:- A monthly stipend of Rs. 25000/- p.m. (also HRA, and Medical facilities shall be admissible as per rules)
Parliament of India

Upper Age Limit : 27 years (as on 27th March 2017)
The last date for receipt of applications is 27.03.2017.
Educational Qualifications
Bachelor of Library Science (B.Lib. Sc.) or Bachelor of Library and Information Science (B.L.I.Sc.) from a recognized University with Hindi and English as subjects at Matriculation or Intermediate (Clsss XII) level.
Eligible candidates have to apply on a form typed in English or in Hindi, strictly in the
format prescribed alongwith this advertisement. The candidates may take a print out of
the same. Click here to download the application format
Mecon Limited

Statistician (28 Years): Regular full time Post Graduate Degree in Statistics from a premier institute of National repute duly recognised by UGC with minimum 60% marks.
NOTE: Application needs to be sent to Asstt. General Manager I/c (Personnel), MECON Limited, Vivekananda Path, PO : Doranda, Ranchi-834002 (Jharkhand). The envelope containing the application shall be superscribed as “Name of the post applied for, Advt. No. & date”. All the necessary details are available on
No Written Exam, Only Interview.
No Application Fee
Candidate should be 30yrs or below as on 1st Jan 2017
Educational Qualification: Graduate Degree in Law (Professional) with minimum 60% marks.
Start Date for receiving Application is 5th May 2017(Tentative) and Last date to apply is 25th May 2017 (Tentative)
Canara Bank Special Recruitment Drive

Total no of vacancies are 8
The selection shall be by way of Short-listing/Test + Group Discussion + Interview basing on the applications received for individual posts.
Indian Bureau of Mines

Emoluments: Consolidated sum of Rs. 40,000/- P.m.
Candidates are required to produce certificates/testimonials in original at the time of interview along with two passport size photographs
Qualification/ Experience: Qualification : M.Tech (Geoinformatics or Phorgrammetry & Remote Sensing) OR M.Sc (subjects of natural science/ environmental Sciences/Geology/Geoinformatics/Satellite remote sensing) OR B.E in Computer Science/Computer Engineering OR B.Sc with one of the main subjects Geology/Physics/Chemistry / Mathematics and computer applications with minimum working/research experience of 3-4 years in spatial analysis and modelling.
Desirable: Programming in Python and web GIS.
Nagpur, Kanpur, Chandigarh, Coimbatore, Tughlakabad, Chennai, Pune, Nasik, New Delhi, Guwahati, Gujarat, Allahabad (UP), Bangalore, Betul (MP), Secunderabad, Agra, Mumbai, Kamrup (Assam), Gurgaon
Posts are as follows:
MTS, Mess Staff, Store Keeper, LDC & other posts. (Total no of vacancies = 154)
Age Limit: 18-25 years
(a) Eligible candidates to appear for written test.
(b) Written test consists of
(i) General Intelligence & Reasoning
(ii) Numerical Aptitude
(iii) General English)
(iv) General Awareness,
(c) Bi-Lingual English and Hindi.
(d) After passing written test, candidates will be shortlisted for skill/practical/physical test.
Apply from 11 Mar 17 to 31 Mar 17.
Educational Qualifications
Candidates who have passed Eng. degree or are in
the final year of Eng. Course (with Physics & Maths in
12th Standard) in any discipline from a recognised university /educational institute with 60% marks till 5th / 7th semester,
in regular / integrated course respectively.
For ATC entry, the candidate must have 60% aggregate marks in class X and XII and minimum 60% marks in English in class XII.
Selection Procedure
SSB interviews will be scheduled from Jun 17 to Aug 17.
Total duration of SSB interviews is five days consisting of
stage I (Day one) and stage II (Four days).
Stage I Tests; consist of Intelligence Tests, Picture Perception and Group Discussion Tests.
Stage II Tests consists of Psychological Tests, Group Task Tests and Interview.
Successful candidates will undergo medical examination (approx. 3-5 days).
Candidates recommended by the SSBs, cleared PABT (for Pilot Entry) and declared medically fit will be appointed for training based on merit list and depending on the number of vacancies available.
Assistant Sub-Inspector (Steno) in CRPF
The recruitment process will consist of Physical Standard Test (PST) and Documentation, Written Examination, Skill Test and Medical Examination.
Application from candidates will be accepted through ON-LINE MODE only. NO other mode for submission of application is allowed.
(I) Physical Standards Test (PST)
(II) Documentation
(III) Written Examination
(IV) Skill Test
(V) Medical Examination
Opening date of online application: 27/03/2017 Closing date of online application: 25/04/2017
Date of written examination: 16/07/2017
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