Houses in villages have backyards for growing vegetables. Some even have the flower gardens. Villagers are hardworking. They work in torrential rain as well as scorching heat. People are loyal to the deity of a village. Panchayat solves feuds among inhabitants.
Unlike cities, life is slow in villages. Most villages have only one secondary school. Students have to go to nearby towns or cities for higher education. Rural folk travel to town via buses which are available at fixed time. Villages have cobbled streets and narrow pathways. There is no provision of adequate medical facilities. The condition of health care centers is very pathetic.
There is a desperate need to develop villages. The government should make efforts to provide basic amenities to villagers.
Meaning: Taking place or progressing slowly or by degreesExample: The gradual introduction of new methods.
Synonyms: slow, moderate, measured, unhurried, restrained, cautious
Hustle and bustle
Meaning: A large amount of activity and work, usually in a noisy surroundingExample: There is a lot of hustle and bustle in this company.
Meaning: Gaze at with pleasureExample: You can even feast your eyes on some of the displays set out in an exhibition.
Synonyms: observe, view, look at, eye, stare at
Meaning: Make more beautiful or attractiveExample: Pictures and paintings adorn his walls.
Synonyms: embellish, decorate, furnish
Meaning: A yard at the back of a house or other buildingExample: We have a kitchen garden in the backyard.
Meaning: falling rapidlyExample: Torrential rain began to fall.
Synonyms: copious, severe, heavy, rapid, relentless, violent
Meaning: Hot and burningExample: There was a scorching heat on the fifth floor of the building.
Synonyms: Fiery, blazing, flaming, fiery, burning, blistering
Meaning: Divine status, quality, or natureExample: His status is close to deity.
Synonyms: godliness, godhead, holiness, sanctity
Meaning: A prolonged and bitter quarrel or disputeExample: There is a bitter feud between them.
Synonyms: argument, dispute, disagreement, quarrel
Meaning: A person or animal that lives in or occupies a placeExample: Inhabitants of the area are against the development.
Synonyms: resident, occupant, occupier, dweller, settler
Meaning: People in generalExample: her parents were country folk.
Synonyms: people, humans, persons, individuals, mortals
Meaning: Area or road covered with small round stonesExample: The street was narrow and cobbled.
Meaning: The action of providing or supplying something for useExample: The provision of housing for the poor and needy is the responsibility of the government.
Synonyms: purveying, delivery, furnishing, equipping
Meaning: Arousing pityExample: They looked so pathetic.
Synonyms: poignant, plaintive, stirring, pitiful
Meaning: Having a great need or desire for somethingExample: He is desperate for success.
Synonyms: urgently requiring, craving, in want of, lacking, wanting
Meaning: A desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or placeExample: The property is situated close to all local amenities.
Synonyms: service, convenience, resource, utility

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