Co-education is a system of imparting education to both boys and girls together. Coeducation reflects that there is no discrimination between boys and girls. It also develops a feeling of comradeship among them. In co-education schools, boys and girls intermingle.
As a result, enigmas and prejudices gradually vanish. Students shed inhibitions and develop harmonious relations. C0-education also helps in reducing gender bias. This system should be given precedence to wipe out male dominance.However, some conservative people oppose the system. They feel that adolescents can go astray as they are of impressionable age.
Meaning: Inequality on basis of age, colour, gender etc.Example: There is no racial discrimination in our institute.
Synonym: prejudice, bias, bigotry, intolerance, unfairness
Meaning: FriendshipExample: He is enjoying comradeship with others in the team.
Synonym: friendship, companionship, fellowship
Meaning: Mix or mingle togetherExample:The shouting intermingled with sounds of laughter.
Synonym: mix, intermix, mingle, unite, affiliate, associate
Meaning: A person or thing difficult to understandExample: She was still an enigma to him.
Synonym: mystery, puzzle, riddle, conundrum, paradox
Meaning: unjust behaviour that is not based on reasonExample: They are the victim of racial prejudice.
Synonym: preconceived idea, preconception
Meaning: come to an endExample: The work in which he was involved vanishes.
Synonym: cease to exist, pass away, die out, become obsolete, evaporate
Meaning: A feeling that makes one self-consciousExample: He has overcome his inhibitions.
Synonym: shyness, reticence, self-consciousness, reserve
Meaning: Free from disagreementExample: The company wants harmonious relations among employees.
Synonym: friendly, amicable, cordial, amiable
Gender bias
Meaning: Discrimination on basis of genderExample: Gender bias should not be there in society.
Meaning: Considering importantExample: Human rights should be given precedence.
Synonym: take priority over, be considered more important than
Wipe out
Meaning: Destroyed or defeatedExample: There is a need of a nuclear wipeout.
Meaning: Power and influence over othersExample: Hollywood dominates film industry.
Synonym: supremacy, superiority, ascendancy, pre-eminence
Meaning: Dislike change or innovation and holding traditional valuesExample: They are very conservative in their outlook.
Synonym: traditional, conventional, orthodox
Meaning: TeenagersExample: It is difficult to understand adolescents.
Synonym: pubescent, youthful, young, juvenile
Meaning: Away from the correct pathExample: He went astray but his father redirected him.
Synonym: off target, wide of the mark, wide, awry
Meaning: Easily influencedExample: Media has a lot of influence on impressionable minds.
Synonym: susceptible, receptive, persuadable, pliable, malleable

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