February 2, 2017    

Hello! Greetings for the Day!!

Dear Students, you are all in a very critical stage of your life. The decisions that you’ll make at this juncture will decide the course of your life/destiny. So Be brave, Wise and Set your Goals Smartly. Be practical and know yourself better. Learn what works for you better, what you want to be, be clear in your approach/goal setting. Once you are clear about your vision for life/career, the struggle, the journey would be easier. Every exam has its own identity, its own nature, so do not attempt all the exams, and don’t be the unfortunate victim of ignorance. IGNORANCE could prove to be the worst enemy. READ a lot and be more aware of yourself and the world around you in general. If you have the natural aptitude for SSC exam, then go for SSC exam, do not get influenced by others, your friends, family or peers. Just focus on the one exam, and work hard for it, Be crazy and expand your horizon, read a lot of books, make handwritten notes. These notes will help you in your last moment revision. 
So, now let’s discuss the importance of Goals in our life and why it is so crucial and how to achieve our Goals in effectively and efficiently. 
Goals big and small can be the stepping-stones to a happier life and the way we set them can make a difference to achieving them. Here's how.

Having goals for things we want to do and working towards them is an important part of being human. The path towards our goals may not always run smoothly or be easy, but having goals, whether big or small, is part of what makes life good. It gives us a sense of meaning and purpose, points us in the direction we want to go and gets us interested and engaged, all of which are vital in your selection in Govt. Jobs. 
Over 2000 years ago, Aristotle said: "Well begun is half done." And with regards to goals, he's right. Paying attention to how we set our goals makes us more like to achieve them and achieving them makes us feel good about ourselves and finally, we all get our dream jobs. 

1.Decide. Think of something you want to do or work towards. It doesn't matter what, as long as it's something you want to do - ideally something you're interested in or feel excited by. It should be something you want to do for its own sake, not for something or someone else. It can be a big thing or a small thing – Preparing for SSC/BANKING exams is your current goal for life. BE clear and start working on it. NO EXCUSES, PERIOD.

2.Write it down. Carefully. Writing down our goals increases our chances of sticking with them. Write down how you will know you have reached your goals and when you'd like to have achieved it by. Ask yourself: what it will 'look' like and how will you feel when you've done it? How does it connect to who or what you value in your life? Describe your goal in specific terms and timescales. For example, there are five months left for SSC CGL PPRE 2017 EXAM, and there are four topics that are asked in prelims exams. You can set a deadline for these topics to be covered and revised and mock tests practised. ' Write your goals in terms of what you want. It would be easier to relate to your goals. 

3.Tell someone. Telling someone we know about our goals also seems to increase the likelihood that we will stick with them. SHARE YOUR GOLS WITH YOUR CLOSE FAMILY MEMBER OR FRIENDS. Once you’ve shared your goals with others, their presence will keep reminding you about your promise and you’ll go extra miles to make it happen. 

4.Break your goal down. This is especially important for big goals. Think about the smaller goals that are steps on the way to achieving your bigger aim. Sometimes our big goals are a bit vague, like 'I want to be a bank manager in SBI'. Breaking these down helps us be more specific. So a smaller goal might be “to first prepare and clear the pre-exam” and then second goals will be “to clear the mains exam” and the third one will be “to clear the interview process”.   Write down your smaller goals and try to set some dates to do these by too. Having several smaller goals makes each of them a bit easier and gives us a feeling of success along the way, which also makes it more likely that we'll stay on track towards our bigger goal.

5.Plan your first step. An ancient Chinese proverb says that the journey of 1000 miles starts with one step. Even if your goal isn't to walk 1000 miles, thinking about the first step on the way will really help to get you started. Even if you don't know where to start there's no excuse. Just buy the book, join the classroom, go to the library. The first step is always crucial. 
6.Keep going. Working towards our goals can sometimes be difficult and frustrating - so we need to persevere. If a step you're doing isn't working, think of something else you could try that still moves you forward, even a tiny bit. If you're struggling, ask people you know for their ideas on what you could do. They may help you see a different way. Thinking about different ways of reaching our goals makes it more likely we'll be successful. If you're really stuck - take a break and then re-read the goal you wrote down when you started. If you need to adjust your goal - that's ok too. Then have another think about a small next step…

7.Celebrate. When you reach your goal take the time to enjoy it and thank those who helped you. Think about what you enjoyed and learned along the way. Now, what is your next goal or project going to be? Always have something in mind. life is full of infinite possibilities. Once you complete one Goal, Set the next one, let the beautiful journey begin, called life. 

At SA/BA, we wish you all the very best. Never ever lose hope, giving up on your dreams should never be an option. LEARN, WORK, FIGHT, SUCCEED. 

SET YOUR GOALS, MAKE THEM HAPPEN AND GET YOUR DREAM JOB 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 2, 2017 Hello! Greetings for the Day!! Dear Students, you are all in a very critical stage of your life.  The decisions that you’ll make at this...

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