Q1. In a certain code language, 46275 is written as 55366. How is 35791 written in that code?
(a) 44826
(b) 44882
(c) 46682
Q2. How many meaningful words can be formed using the first, the sixth and seventh and ninth letters of the word PROMENADE using each letter only once in each word?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
Q3. If in the English alphabet every fourth letter is replaced by the symbol (⋆), which of the following would be sixth to the left of the eleventh element from the left?
(a) G
(b) E
(c) ⋆
(d) F
Q4. In this question, one term in the number series is wrong. Find out the wrong term.
3, 2, 8, 9, 13, 22, 18, 32, 23, 42
(a) 8
(b) 22
(c) 9
(d) 23
Q5. In a certain code language, ‘3a, 2b, 7c’ means ‘truth is eternal’; ‘7c, 9a, 8b, 3a’ means ‘enmity is not eternal’ and ‘9a, 4d, 2b, 8c’ means ‘truth does not perish’. Which of the following means ‘enmity’ in that language?
(a) 3a
(b) 7c
(c) 8b
(d) 9a
Directions (6-7): Choose the odd numeral pair/group in each of the following questions:
(a) 1 (-80) 9
(b) 8 (-16) 9
(c) 11 (-48) 13
(d) 12 (-81) 15
Q7. If you are facing north-east and move 10 m forward, turn left and move 7.5 m, then you are
(a) 13m from your initial position
(b) 11m from your initial position
(c) 12m from your initial position
(d) 12.5m from your initial position
Q8. TRADE is related to UQBCF in the same way as PLATE is related to ……?......
Q9.If 16×2=122, and 12×3=63, then 15×3=?
(a) 138
(b) 193
(c) 153
(d) 100
Q10.Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary.
1. Arrogance
2. Acknowledge
3. According
4. Account
5. Accenture
(a) 1, 2, 4, 3, 5
(b) 5, 3, 4, 2, 1
(c) 5, 3, 1, 4, 2
(d) 3, 4, 1, 2, 5
Q11. In this question, a word has been given, followed by four other words, one of which cannot be formed by using the letters of the given word. Find that word.
Q12. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes at the second place.
(a) Basis
(b) Basinet
(c) Bask
(d) Bassinet
Q13. If ‘oranges’ are ‘apples’, ‘bananas’ are ‘apricots’, ‘apples’ are ‘chillies’, ‘apricots’ are ‘oranges’ and ‘chillies’ are ‘bananas’, then which of the following are green in colour?
(a) Apricots
(b) Bananas
(c) Chillies
(d) Apples
Directions (14-15): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it:
(1) N is shorter than P but taller than S.
(2) G is shorter than S.
(3) A is taller than G.
(4) P is taller than A.
Q14. Who among them is the tallest?
(a) N
(b) P
(c) S
(d) G
Q15. Which of the given information is not necessary to answer the above question?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
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