Quant Quiz For SSC CGL Exam 2017

February 10, 2017    

Q1. A shopkeeper sells an article at a loss of 12(1/2)%. and if he had sold it for Rs. 51.80 more, he would have earned a profit of 6%. The cost price of the article is
(a) Rs. 280
(b) Rs. 300
(c) Rs. 380
(d) Rs. 400

Q2. A dealer sold a bicycle at a profit of 10%. Had he bought the bicycle at 10% less and sold it at Rs. 60 more, he would have gained 25%. The cost price of the bicycle was:
(a) Rs. 2400
(b) Rs. 2200
(c) Rs. 2000
(d) Rs. 2600

Q3. A sells a bicycle to B at a profit of 20% and B sells it to C at a loss of 25%. If C bought the cycle for Rs. P, then the cost price of it for A was
(a) Rs. (1/20)P
(b) Rs. (9/20)P
(c) Rs. (9/10)P
(d) Rs. (10/9)P

Q4. A can do a piece of work in 8 days which B can destroy in 3 days. A has worked for 6 days, during the last 2 days of which B has been destroying. How many days must A now work alone to complete the work?
(a) 7 days
(b) 71/3 days
(c) 72/3 days
(d) 8 days

Q5. Two pipes A and B can fill a certain in 371/2 minutes and 45 minutes respectively. Both pipes are opened. The cistern will be filled just in half an hour, if the pipe B is turned off after.
(a) 15 minutes
(b) 10 minutes
(c) 5 minutes
(d) 9 minutes

Q6. Pipe P and Q can fill in 10 hours and 12 hours respectively and C can empty it in 6 hours. If all the three are opened at 7 am, at what will one-fourth of the tank be filled?
(a) 10 am
(b) 10 pm
(c) 11 pm
(d) 11 am

Q7. A water tank can be filled by a tap in 30 minutes and another tap can fill it in 60 minutes. If both the taps are kept open for 5 minutes and then the first tap is closed, how long will it take for the tank to be full?
(a) 20 minutes 
(b) 25 minutes
(c) 30 minutes
(d) 45 minutes

Q8. Two pipes A and B can separately fill a tank in 2 hours and 3 hours respectively. If both the pipe are opened simultaneously in the empty tank, then the tank will be filled in
(a) 1 hours 12 minutes
(b) 2hours 30 minutes
(c) 1 hours 15 minutes
(d) 1 hours 20 minutes

Q11. A and B are two alloys of gold and copper prepared by mixing metals in the ratio 5 : 3 and 5 : 11 respectively. Equal quantities of these alloys are melted to form a third alloy C. The ratio of gold and copper in alloy C is
(a) 25 : 33
(b) 8 : 13
(c) 15 : 17
(d) 6 : 9

Q12. The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a certain sum at 5% per annum for 2 years is Rs. 1.50. The sum is:
(a) Rs. 600
(b) Rs. 500
(c) Rs. 400
(d) Rs. 300

Q13. On a certain principal the compound interest compounded annually for the second year at 10% per annum is Rs. 132. The principal is
(a) Rs. 1250
(b) Rs. 1200
(c) Rs. 1000
(d) Rs. 1320

Q14. The current ages of Sonali and Monali are in the ratio 5 : 3. Five years from now, their ages will be  the ratio 10 : 7. Then, Monali current age is:
(a) 3 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 9 years
(d) 15 years

Q15. Rs. 11,250 is divided among A, B and C so that A receives one-half as much as B and C together receive and B receive one-fourth of what A and C together receive. The share of A is more than that of B by.
(a) Rs. 2500
(b) Rs. 1500
(c) Rs. 1800
(d) Rs. 650


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- http://www.sscadda.com/2017/02/quant-quiz-for-ssc-cgl-exam-2017_10.html
Quant Quiz For SSC CGL Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 10, 2017 Q1. A shopkeeper sells an article at a loss of 12(1/2)%. and if he had sold it for Rs. 51.80 more, he would have earned a profit of 6%. Th...

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