Practice Reasoning Questions For Upcoming SBI PO Prelims & TMB Exams 2017 (Input-Output)

February 23, 2017    

Practice Reasoning Questions For Upcoming SBI PO Prelims & TMB Exams (Input-Output)  Set-14:
Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upcoming Exams was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for Banking and all other Competitive exams can use this practice questions.
Directions (Q. 1-5) : Study the given information and answer the following questions.
 A word and number arrangement machine when given in input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and its rearrangement:
Input: economy on 16 is cool hot begin 14 but new again 24
Step I: begin 14 economy on 16 is cool hot but new again 24
Step II: begin 14 again 24 economy on 16 is cool hot but new
Step III: begin 14 again 24 on 16 economy is cool hot but new
Step IV: begin 14 again 24 on 16 economy cool is hot but new
Step V: begin 14 again 24 on 16 economy cool new is hot but
Step VI: begin 14 again 24 on 16 economy cool new hot is but
Step VII: begin 14 again 24 on 16 economy cool new hot but is
Step VIII:. begin 14 again 24 on 16 5  3 14  8  2  9
Step VIII is the last step of the rearrangement. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the following input:
Input: garden heat 36 in 28 below normal in 23 over
1). Which of the following would be the last step of the arrangement?
a)    in 23 heat 36 in 28 normal garden below over
b)    in 23 heat 36 in 28 14 7 2 15
c)    in 36 heat 28 in 23 14  7  2 15
d)    in 23 heat 36 in 28  7  14  15  2
e)    None of these
2). Which step number will be the following output?
 ‘in 23 heat 36 in 28 garden below normal over'
a)    Step III
b)    Step IV
c)    Step VI
d)    Step V
e)    There will be no such step
3). In Step IV which of the following words/numbers would be at 4th position from the right?
a)    over
b)    36
c)    below
d)    normal
e)    None of these
4). Which of the following steps will be the last but one step of the rearrangement?
a)    Step IV
b)    Step V
c)    Step VI
d)    Step VII
e)    None of these
5). In Step III if 'in' is related to '28', '23' is related to 'garden' and 'heat' is' related to 'below' in a certain way', which of the following would '36' be related to in the same pattern?
a)    in
b)    normal
c)    over
d)    23
e)    None of these
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement (All numbers are two-digit numbers):
Input: pound cool 46 word 56 real 22 tear 29 62
Step I: cool pound 46 word 56 real 22 tear 29 62
Step II: cool pound 46 word real 22 tear 29 62 56
Step III: cool pound real word 22 tear 29 62 56 46
Step IV: cool pound real tear word 22 62 56 46 29
Step V: cool pound real tear word 62 56 46 29 22
And Step V is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained.
As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: cute immediate 61 43 33 voice 36 young left 72 82 rose
6). How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?
a)    Five
b)    Six
c)    Eight
d)    Seven
e)    None of these
7). Which of the following elements is eighth from the right end in the last step but one?
a)    82
b)    voice
c)    rose
d)    33
e)    None of these
8). How many elements are there between 'rose' and `young' in Step IV?
a)    Two
b)    One
c)    None
d)    Three
e)    None of these
9). Which of the following represents the position of `36' in Step V?
a)    First from the right
b)    Third from the right
c)    Seventh from the left
d)    Ninth from the left
e)    None of these
10). Which of the following is exactly between 'immediate' and '43' in Step III?
a)    left
b)    33
c)    43
d)    young
e)    None of these
Answer Key:
1).b   2).a   3).d   4).a    5).b    6).b    7).b    8).d    9).a    10).a
Directions (Q. 1-5):The machine first rearranges words which are along with numbers according to the ascending order of sum of the digits of the numbers. And then remaining words are arranged in descending order of the length of words. In case words are of equal length, then they are arranged in reverse alphabetical order.
 In the last step, except the words that are along with numbers, the place value of the first letter of the words is written in the place of words in alphabet.
 Input: garden heat 36 in 28 below normal in 23 over
Step I.  in 23 garden heat 36 in 28 below normal over
Step II. in 23 heat 36 garden in 28 below normal over
Step III. in 23 heat 36 in 28 garden below normal over
step IV. in 23 heat 36 in 28 normal garden below over
 Step V.  in 23 heat 36 in 28 14 7 215
Directions (Q. 6-10):In the rearrangement a word and a number are rearranged in each step. Words are arranged according to English dictionary from left to right while numbers are rearranged from left to right in descending order — words at extreme left and numbers at the extreme right. Even if a word/number is already arranged, one step is dedicated to its arrangement. The next word/number is arranged only in the next step. 
Input: cute immediate  61 43  33  voice  36  young left 72 82 rose
Step I. cute immediate 61 43 33 voice 36 young left 72 rose 82
Step II. cute immediate 61 43 33 voice 36 young left rose 82 72
Step III. cute immediate left 43 33 voice 36 young rose 82 72 61
Step IV. cute immediate left rose 33 voice 36 young 82 72 61 43
 Step V. cute immediate left rose voice 33 young 82 72 61 43 36

Step VI. cute immediate left rose voice young 82 72 61 43 36 33

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Practice Reasoning Questions For Upcoming SBI PO Prelims & TMB Exams 2017 (Input-Output) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 23, 2017 Practice Reasoning Questions  For Upcoming SBI PO Prelims & TMB Exams ( Input-Output)    Set-14: Dear Readers, Important Practice Reas...

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