Practice Reasoning Questions For Upcoming SBI PO prelims & TMB Exams 2017 (Coding-Decoding & Puzzle)

February 10, 2017    

Practice Reasoning Questions For Upcoming SBI PO Prelims & TMB Exams (Coding-Decoding & Puzzle)  Set-4:
Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upcoming Exams was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for Banking and all other Competitive exams can use this practice questions.
Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions.
In a certain code language, 'they do not like' is written as 'ma la re go', 'people have their like' is written as 're ta wa sa', 'they come on time' is written as 'la ku bu si' and 'people have not on lights' is written as 'ku ma ta wa ji'
1). What does 'ma' stand for ?
a)    not
b)    they
c)    come
d)    on
e)    None of these
2). Which of the following may represent 'They like people'?
a)    la re ji
b)    la ma ta
c)    la re ku
d)    can't be determined
e)    None of these
3). What is the code for 'have'?
a)    ku
b)    bu
c)    si
d)    wa
e)    either ta or wa
4).  Which of the following may represent 'do not on light'?
a)    go sa ta wa
b)    go ma ku ji
c)    go la sa re
d)    ma ji ta wa
e)    can't be determined
5). What's the code for 'time'?
a)    ma
b)    re
c)    ku
d)    sa
e)    can't be determined
6). What's the code for 'lights'?
a)    la
b)    wa
c)    re
d)    ji
e)    None of these
Directions (Q. 7-11): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions
P, Q, R, S, T and U six houses of different height and different colours  – Red, Blue, White, Orange, Yellow and Green are located on either sides of the road with 3 on each side.
T the tallest house is exactly opposite to the red house. The shortest house is exactly opposite to the green house. Yellow and white coloured houses are opposite to each other. U is orange coloured house between P and S. R is yellow coloured house opposite to P. Green coloured house is exactly opposite to U. House Q is placed between T and R. P- is taller than R but shorter than Q and S.
7). Which of the following house is the third highest ?
a)    U
b)    S
c)    Q
d)    Either Q or S
e)    None of these
8). Which of the following is the smallest house ?
a)    Q
b)    T
c)    U
d)    R
e)    None of these
9). What is the colour of the tallest house ?
a)    Red
b)    Blue
c)    Green
d)    Data inadequate
e)    None of these
10). Which of the following house is in second lowest height ?
a)    Either R or S
b)    R
c)    S
d)    Data inadequate
e)    None of these
11). What is the colour of the house D ?
a)    Red
b)    Blue
c)    Orange
d)    White
e)    None of these
Answer Key:
1).a   2).d  3).e  4).b   5).e   6).d   7).d   8).c   9).b   10).b  11).a 
Directions (Q. 1-6):
they do not like - ma la re go .. (i)
people have their like - re ta wa sa ... (ii)
they come one time - la ku bu si ... (iii)
people have not on light - ku ma to wa ji ... (iv)
from eq (i) and (iv) not - ma
from eq (i) and (iii) they - la
from eq (i) and (ii) like - re
from eq (ii) and (iv) people - ta / wa
from eq (ii) and (iv) have - ta / wa
from eq (i) do - go
from eq (iii) and (iv) on - ku
from eq (iv) light - ji
1).a   2).d  3).e  4).b   5).e   6).d
Directions (Q. 7-11):
E Blue –  D   Red house
B Green – F Orange
C yellow- A white

E > B/D > A > C > F
7).d   8).c   9).b   10).b  11).a 

More Practice Reasoning Questions for Upcoming Exams  - Click Here

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Practice Reasoning Questions For Upcoming SBI PO prelims & TMB Exams 2017 (Coding-Decoding & Puzzle) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 10, 2017 Practice Reasoning Questions  For Upcoming SBI PO Prelims & TMB Exams (Coding-Decoding &  Puzzle)    Set-4: Dear Readers, Importa...

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