New Pattern English Questions for SBI PO 2017

February 28, 2017    

As we all know SBI PO is here and we are ready with the 80 days plan in which we provide you daily quizzes on new pattern questions with different topics that will help you in fetching good marks in SBI PO Exam. 

Direction (1-15): In each problem below, either part or the whole sentence is underlined. Below the sentences are different ways of writing the underlined part. Answer choice (A) repeats the original; the other answers vary. If you think that the original phrasing is best, choose (A). otherwise choose other given options.
Q1. During the summer of 2001, when it looked like parts of New Delhi and Mumbai were going to run short of water, many businesses and homes were affected by the stringent restrictions on the use of water.
(a) it looked like parts of New Delhi and Mumbai were going to run
(b) It looked as if parts of New Delhi and Mumbai would have run
(c) It appeared that parts of new Delhi and Mumbai would run
(d) appearances were that parts of New Delhi and Mumbai would run
(e) it was the appearance that parts of New Delhi and Mumbai would be running
Q2. Before the independence of India the books of Dr P.K. Yadav presented a fundamental challenge to the accepted ideas of race relations that, two generations later, will be true of the writings of the radical writers of the 1970s.   
(a)  that, two generations later, will be true of
(b) that, two generations later, would be true of 
(c) as, two generation latter, would be true off 
(d) as, two generations later, would be true of 
(e) just in way that, two generations later, did
Q3. For the reason that diesel was relatively cheap and Rs. 3.00 per litre in 1960s, the average Indian came to view unfettered, inexpensive driving as a right rather than a lucky privilege.
(a) For the reason that diesel was relatively cheap and
(b) Because diesel was relatively cheapest
(c) Due to the fact the gasoline was relatively inexpensive
(d) In that diesel was a relatively inexpensive
(e) Because diesel was relatively cheap
Q4. The political masters of the healthcare system have not listened to professional health planners because it has not been profitable for them to do that thing.
(a) has not been profitable for them to do that thing
(b) has not been profitable for them to do so
(c) has been unprofitable for them to do that thing
(d) has been profitable for them to do so
(e) doing so had not been profitable for them
Q5. Because of the efforts of Dr Rajendra Prasad and other advocates of the “soft” path of solar energy, the economics of nuclear power are being more closely examined now than ever before.
(a) being more closely examined now than ever before 
(b) being attached more vigorously than ever before
(c) open to closer examination than they ever were before
(d) more closely examined than before
(e) more examined than they ever were before now
Q6. Most bacterial populations grown in controlled conditions will quickly expand to limit the food supply, produce toxic waste products that inhibit further growth, and reach an equilibrium state within a relatively short time.
(a) produce toxic waste products that inhibit further growth, and reached an equilibrium state within a relatively short time
(b) will have produced toxic waste products that inhibit further growth and also will reach an equilibrium state within a relatively short time
(c) will then produce a toxic waste product that inhibits further growth and thus reached an equilibrium state in a very short time
(d) produce toxic waste products that inhibit further growth and reach equilibrium
(e) produce toxic waste products that inhibit further growth, and reach an equilibrium state in a fairly prompt way
Q7. A little known danger of potent hallucinogens such as lysergic acid diethylamide-25 is that not only is the user immediately disoriented, but also he will experience significant ego suppression for a period of three weeks as well.
(a) but also he will experience significant ego suppression for a period of three weeks as well
(b) but also he will experience significant ego suppression for a period of three weeks
(c) but also there will be a three-week period of ego suppression as well
(d) but the ego is suppressed for a period of three weeks as well
(e) but for user’s ego is suppressed for a period of three weeks in addition
Q8. Many people mistakenly believe that the body’s nutritional requirements remain the same regardless of the quantity and form of other nutrients ingested, physical activity and emotional state.
(a) regardless of the quantity and form of other nutrients ingested, physical activity and emotional state
(b) regardless of the other nutrients, physical activity and emotional state.
(c) regardless of the quantity of nutrients or physical exercise or emotional excitation
(d) regardless of the quantity or form of nutrients or physical exercise and emotional statement
(e) regardless of the quantity or form of other nutrients ingested, physical activity or emotional state
Q9. Measuring the brainwaves of human beings while they are engaged in different types of thought hopefully will enable neuropsychologists to better understand the relationship between the structures of the brain and thinking.
(a) hopefully will enable
(b) hopefully might enable
(c) will, it is hoped, enable
(d) would hopefully enable
(e) will, it is to be hoped at all, enable
Q10. It appears from a study of the detailed grammar of the Vedic Indians that their system of assigning tenses is very different from that of English or other European languages.
(a) It appears from a study of the detailed grammar of the Vedic Indians that their system
(b) It seems that study of the Vedic Indians indicates that their system
(c) A detailed study of the grammar of the Vedic Indians language indicates that its system
(d) Detailed study of Vedic Indians reveals that their system
(e) The Vedic Indians have a system
Q11. While everyone continues to hope for their survival, it is unlikely that the astronauts could have made it back to the shelter before the power plant exploded.
(a) have made it back to the shelter before the power plant exploded
(b) were making it back to the shelter before the power plant exploded
(c) were able to make it to the shelter before the power plant explodes
(d) have been able to make it back to the shelter before the power plant will explode
(e) could have made it to the shelter before the power plant explosion would have destroyed them
Q12. By the time peace and happiness will have come to the planet, many lives will be wasted.
(a) will have come to the planet, many lives will be wasted
(b) come to the planet, many lives will have been wasted
(c) will have come to the planet, many lives will have been wasted
(d) shall have come to the planet, many lives shall be wasted
(e) would have come to the planet, many lives would have been wasted
Q13. It could be argued that the most significant virtue of a popular democracy is not the right to participate in the selection of leaders, but rather that it affirms our importance in the scheme of things.
(a) but rather that it affirms
(b) but rather that it is an affirmation of
(c) but rather it’s affirmation in terms of
(d) but instead of that, its affirming that
(e) affirming rather
Q14. Long popular among the connoisseurs of Indian music, Ravi Shankar first impressed Western listeners with his phenomenal technical virtuosity, but they soon came to appreciate his music as an artfulexpression of an older culture’s musical insight.
(a) but they soon came to appreciate his music as an artful
(b) but it soon occurred that they appreciated his artful music as an
(c) but soon this was surpassed by an appreciation of it as an artful
(d) which was soon surpassed by an even deeper appreciation of it as an artful
(e) soon surpassed by an artful appreciation of an
Q15. Primarily accomplished through the use of the electron microscope, researchers have recently vastly increased their knowledge of the process of cell division.
(a) Primarily accomplished through the use of the electron microscope
(b) Through the competent use of advanced electron microscope
(c) Primarily through the use of electron microscopy
(d) In the large sense through the use of the electron microscope
(e) In the main, particularly through the use of electron microscope

89% of selected students in SBI PO last year, were students of BankersAdda Online Test Series.

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New Pattern English Questions for SBI PO 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 28, 2017   As we all know SBI PO is here and we are ready with the 80 days plan in which we provide you daily quizzes on new pattern questions with...

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