Most Confusing English Words with Exercise: Part 6

February 21, 2017    



Meaning: Of or concerning a bride or a newly married couple.
Example: Her white bridal gown is very elegant. 


Meaning: A line, rope, or device that is used to restrain or control the action or movement of something.
Example: She offered them two horses' bridles.



Meaning: A town or district which is an administrative unit.
Example: Our plan includes local businesses, the borough and parish council for a trial scheme. 


Meaning: A hole or tunnel dug by a small animal, especially a rabbit, as a dwelling.
Example: There lies a vast and complex network of rabbit burrows.



Meaning: Basement
Example: The servants are working in a cellar. 


Meaning: A person who sells something.
Example: These retailers, rather than newsagents, are now the biggest sellers of newspapers.



Meaning: The city or town that functions as the seat of government and administrative centre of a country or region.
Example: Warsaw is the capital of Poland.


Meaning: The United States Capitol, often called the Capitol Building or Capitol Hill, is the home of the United States Congress, and the seat of the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government.
Example: Legislators appear at state capitals or in Washington, DC, every year as representatives of their constituents.



Meaning: (of a sight, smell, or sound) barely perceivable; vague; unclear
Example: All of the marks on the sides are very faint.


Meaning: A deceptive blow, thrust, or other movements, especially in boxing or fencing.
Example: Both players attempt to control the space by confusing the opponent with feints.



Meaning: A shaped piece of wood, plastic, or metal with a hook at the top, from which clothes may be hung in order to keep them in shape.
Example: Two hoodies hang on the hangers in the closet.


Meaning: A large building with an extensive floor area, typically for housing aircraft.
Example: The hangars will accommodate 750 aircraft.



Meaning: An animal
Example: A cowboy's greatest friend is his horse. 


Meaning: Sounding rough and harsh.
Example: Her voice was hoarse.



Meaning: Encourage or stir up.
Example: They had the desire to incite riots. 


Meaning: Deep understanding of someone or something.
Example: You could gain insight into how to improve your performance.



Meaning: Not working
Example: Students should not be idle. 


Meaning: A person or thing that is greatly loved or admired.
Example: He wants to be like his idol.



Meaning: Stolen money or valuables.
Example: The gang escaped with their loot.


Meaning: Stringed instrument.
Example: Lutes are among primary instruments.

Test Your Memory

1. The ...... party is in the church porch. (Bridal/bridle)
2. The king ordered eight horses with gold-plated ...... led into the hall. (Bridal/bridle)
3. The government is looking at changing the signing for towns in the improve local identity in the area. (Burrow/borough)
4. Because they nest deep in ......, the actual position is not yet known. (Burrow/borough)
5. There is a wine ...... in her house. (Cellar/seller)
6. I know street ...... of newspapers, flowers, etc. (Cellar/seller)
7. New Delhi is the ...... of India. (Capitol/capital)
8. The work is on display at the Utah state....... (Capitol/capital)
9. I could still detect the ...... smell of bleach. (Faint/Feint)
10. He ...... with his right and then swung a left. (Faint/Feint)
11. You dress is hanging on the ...... in the cupboard. (Hanger/hangar)
12. There were destroyed aircraft, ...... and buildings. (Hanger/hangar)
13. They want to hire a ...... for the function. (Horse/hoarse)
14. Her ...... voice is not recovering. (Horse/hoarse)
15. The law ...... violence and hatred. (Incite/insight)
16. She has not gained ...... into her pre-existing beliefs. (Incite/insight)
17. He is sitting ...... in his quarters. (Idle/idol)
18. He is soccer....... (Idle/idol)
19. A dog walker has discovered a stolen....... (Loot/lute)
20. One of the strings on the ...... is broken. (Loot/lute)


1. bridal
2. bridles
3. borough
4. burrows
5. cellar
6. sellers
7. capital
8. capitol
9. faint
10. feinted
11. hanger
12. hangars
13. horse
14. hoarse
15. incites
16. insight
17. idle
18. idol
19. loot
20. lute
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Most Confusing English Words with Exercise: Part 6 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 21, 2017 BRIDAL & BRIDLE Bridal Meaning: Of or concerning a bride or a newly married couple. Example: Her white bridal gown is very elegan...

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