Mega sale FLAT 17% off : Catch before it Drops

February 28, 2017    

National science day is celebrated as one of the main science festivals in India every year to mark the discovery of the “Raman effect” by Indian physicist Sir Chandrashekhara Venkata Raman on 28 February 1928.

So, this National Science Day Adda247 along with its units Bankersadda, SSCadda and Career Power bring Flat 17% OFF on all Career Power Test Series.

Mega sale FLAT 17% off : Catch before it Drops

The Code You need to Enter in the Apply Coupon section is CVR17. Valid till 28th February
Sir C.V. Raman carried out ground-breaking work in the field of light scattering but that discovery wasn’t so easy he faced many challenges and many failures! So is your journey. With the right determination and approach, you can achieve your goals and ours is the small effort in making you future bright by scattering the light by right knowledge and guidance by proving you with every opportunity you need to achieve success so catch before it drops.

To an observer situated on the moon or on one of the planets, the most noticeable feature on the surface of our globe would no doubt be the large areas covered by oceanic water. The sunlit face of the earth would appear to shine by the light diffused back into space from the land and water-covered areas. In the same way, make your success that much big that anyone from anywhere can see the shine of your hard work which scatters the light of your success.

And with the changes in the pattern of Banking and SSC examination its important for every aspirant that he practices in 'real time environment' with the new pattern and level of questions and take the real feel of real exam. And here we bring a DISCOUNT for all of you on Career Power Test Series so grab this opportunity now.

How can YOU benefit from Career Power Test Series:

 As every exam is different with a level and so thus there is a need to practice accordingly. With Career Power Test series you’ll get the questions of same level and pattern which you will face in the actual exam itself.
✔ You’ll be able to practice in real time environment as that of the examination you’ll face.
✔ You’ll be able to know your rank among others appearing for that test. So don’t you want to know where you stand? You can then improve yourself accordingly.
✔ You can choose to avail Career Power Test Series from subject wise topics to a complete test as a whole. Yes, you don’t necessarily have to get struck on a whole Bank exam test, if you wish to practice just puzzles, you can easily choose to avail Career Power’s Puzzles Online Test series and practice according to your need.

 "Success can come to you by Courageous Devotion to the task lying in front of you"

Mega sale FLAT 17% off : Catch before it Drops 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 28, 2017 National science day is celebrated as one of the main science festivals in India every year to mark the discovery of the “Raman effect” ...

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