Name: Yazhini
Venue: IOB, Chennai.
Reporting time: 1 pm.
There were 23 members and I was the 17th.Document verification and Bio-metric verification was over. It took too long and I entered the interview panel at 5.50 pm.
I wished everyone.The.interview panel consist of 4 male members and one female member. The interview was in both language(Tamil and English).
Q. What is the meaning of your name?
Its a musical instrument which was used in olden days,sir.
Q. Is it used nowadays?
no,its not used sir.
Q. In museum?
yes,sir. In museum they will have.
Q. U studied college from?
Q. Year of passed out?
told 2015.
Q. What were u doing till now?
Preparing for bank exams.
Q. So why banking?
Sir i want to contribute something to the society.During college i voluntarily participated in Amala bharath cleaning camp.I wanted to service people.And also my father motivated me as he's working in bank.
Q. Your father is in bank?
Yes sir.
Q. Is he working now?
Yes sir.
Q. Which bank?
Indian bank.
Q. Which branch?
Q. Okay. What is debenture?
I don't know,sir.
Q. What is share capital?
Thought for few secs, but did't get.Told don't know sir.
Q. Tell me something about specialisd bank. What are the banks.tell their names.
NABARD for agriculture and rural development.
SIDBI for industries development.
EXIM for export import.
Q. Wht about NHB,lsb?
NHB is for housing. dont know aboutt lsb sir.
Q. What are the functions of Rbi?
To issue currency other than one rupee rupee note is issued by Govt of india. banker to banks. (got struck up here fr 2 to 3 secs). Then it controls Foreign reserves. It manages inflation deflation by monetary policies.
Q. Which bank u gave as the first preference?
Canara Bank,sir.
Q. why?
Sir It has more number of i preferred.
Q. where is its headquarters?
In Bangalore,sir.
Q. who is the chairman?
Sir chairman is Rakesh Sharma.
Q. Mr.Rakesh sharma would have done job in other banks before becoming a Chairman. In which bank he was working before coming to Canara bank?
I told don't know,sir.
Q. What you want to contribute to the society?
I told by giving loans.(she interrupted me that Govt will see those works.What will you do to the society.)I started Banks work towards financial inclusion.(I wanted to tell that I will give loans for that employment opportunity will be provided)But she moved to next question.
Q. Tell me any two points on general budget and railway budget?
Told two points on general and also railway budget.(here instead of 50 crores i told 50,000 crores.they would have noticed but dint ask me anything.)
Q. For politician what is the point included in the budget?
Told for politicians donation should be 2000rs.
2000rs in?
2000rs in cash,more than that either digital transactions or cheque should be used.
Q. Another payment mode?
I dint get what he was asking.I told don't know sir.
Q. Whats the special feature in the budget?
I told railway budget is merged with general budget.
Q. Last year when was it presented?
Feb 28th,towards the end of Feb.
Q. What did your father had taught you before coming to the interview?
I told Role of PO. (He told surely I wont ask about the role of PO and laughed).
Q. So when you go to bank with your father what did you notice outside the bank in notice board like FDI policy rates or other things?
I was blank and told don't know.(I should have said some details about Govt schemes and interest rates.)
Q. One rupee coin has sign of whom?
I told one rupee has the sign of Financial secretary.
Q. Other notes?
Other notes have the signature of RBI Governor.
Q. Who is the former rbi governor?
I told Raguram Rajan and he was the 23rd Governor of RBI.
Q. What is CTS?
CTS is cheque truncation system and explained a few points.
Q. What is the difference between DD nd cheque?
I told DD is issued by bank. Cheque is issued by individuals. DD cannot be endorsed. Cheque can be endorsed. And added that both are negotiable instruments.
They told Thank you and All the best.I told Thank you and walked out.
Thanks to all... Wish you ALB
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