IBPS PO Interview Experience 2017 (Hyderabad) - 27

February 10, 2017    

Name : Gangadhara Yammanoori
Interview Center: Andhra Bank Apex College, Hyderabad
Panel : VII, 
Time : 8:30 Date: 9th Feb 2017
I was the 4th Person in the sheet, 3rd person was not there, So I have completed my certificate verification. Then he asked me to go to the floor where the interviews were happening. 
I reached that floor and sat in the interview line. By the time I reach there, No 1 and completed and no 2 enter into the room. I am the next person. Feeling tension. No 2 came out and I asked how was the interview. She told like its going on very interactively. 
My turn came now.
after 3 min, the bell rang and the person sitting outside asked me to go.
I opened the door and asked them " May I come in sir" they said "come in"
There are 3 Male + 1 Female
I reached to the hot chair and wished "Good morning mam and Good morning Sirs"
M1: Tell me about yourself
Me: Answered for 2 min about my studies, Family and Work exp.
M2: You are earning more than what we are offering. Then why do you want to leave current job?
Me: Explained about the challenging environment, Security, High pay in future.
M1: What you have prepared for this interview?
Me: Banking terminology and Current affairs.
M1: What are the acts do you know?
Me: Answered RBI, Banking regulation, Companies, Co-op registrar, RRB, NHB, EXIM, NABARD.
M2: Stopped in b/w and asked which is the old act which we are using now?
Me: First I told did remembered sir. M1 said think once. Then I replied Negotiable Ins act 1881. He appreciated. 
M1: Which are latest acts? 
Me: By mistake I have replied as GST act :). He said, its not yet approved. Then I have mentioned SARFAESI act 2002. then he asked one act is there in the same year. I told I did not remember at this point of time. Then M2 cross questioned like "When you goto bank to open account, what do they ask". I replied as KYC. Then which act is this. I replied as "PML 2002". He appreciated. 
m3: Do you NPAs? 
Me: Started explaining. Then he stopped immediately.
M3: Do banks charge interest on the loan once it turns as NPA?
Me:  As per my knowledge, Once the loan becomes NPA, there will not be any interest added. But the person comes to clear the loan, then banks collects interest for whole period. 
F1: Do you know House loan?
Me: Yes Mam.
F1: Why banks charges for pre closure of a home loan ?
Me: Not all the banks, Few banks charges. Bank has approved his load for 15-20 years tenure. Now the person comes to pay the loan after 5 years, Banks are loosing good customers who are repaying regularly. Also banks loose chance to cross sell any product. 
F1: We can give that amount to a new customer and gain interest right?
Me: Yes mam, But we are losing a good customer. For new customer, Banks have money to approve new load.
seems like she was ok with my answer and asked do you have home loan. Answered no.
Then they wished my you have done good. Wish you all the best. I have replied "Thank you mam and Thank you sirs"
Total Discussion went for 7-8 min.
That all friends. 
This is my first bank interview. The panel members are very cooperative and cross questioning and trying to get answers from you. 
Thank you all..  Wish you all the best.
Gangadhara Y


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IBPS PO Interview Experience 2017 (Hyderabad) - 27 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 10, 2017 Name : Gangadhara Yammanoori Interview Center: Andhra Bank Apex College, Hyderabad Panel : VII,  Time : 8:30 Date: 9th Feb 2017 I ...

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