Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary for Syndicate Bank PO (PGDBF) 2017

February 5, 2017    

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Meaning: (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked
Synonym: deliberate, malicious,
Antonym: justifiable
Sentence: "sheer wanton vandalism"

Meaning: lacking good manners, refinement, or grace.
Synonym: uncivilized, uncultured, uncultivated, unrefined,
Antonym: refined, cultivated, polite
Sentence: "he is unwashed, uncouth, and drunk most of the time"
Meaning:lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring
Synonym:everlasting, perpetual, eternal,
Antonym: ceasing, ending, halting, infrequent, intermittent, interrupted, occasional, temporary
Sentence:"his perennial distrust of the media"
Meaning: (especially of food, money, or some other resource) insufficient for the demand.
Synonym: scanty, meagre, sparse
Antonym: plentiful, abundant
Sentence: "as raw materials became scarce, synthetics were developed"
Meaning: take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.
Synonym: seize, take over, expropriate,
Antonym: release, relinquish 
Sentence: "Richard usurped the throne"
Meaning: a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch.
Synonym: guard, keeper
Sentence: "soldiers stood sentinel with their muskets"
Meaning: suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at, mention without discussing at length.
Synonym: refer to, suggest, hint at, imply, mention,
Antonym: announce, declare, proclaim; elucidate, explain, spell out
Sentence: she had a way of alluding to Jean but never saying her name"
8. Specious
Meaning: superficially plausible, but actually wrong., misleading in appearance, especially misleadingly attractive
Synonym: misleading, deceptive, false, fallacious,
Antonym: candid, direct, foursquare,
Sentence: "a specious argument" 
9. Alliteration
Meaning: the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
Sentence: "the alliteration of ‘sweet birds sang’"
Meaning: make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.
Synonym: reduce, ease, relieve
Antonym: aggravate
Sentence: "he couldn't prevent her pain, only alleviate it"

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- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/02/hindu-newspaper-vocabulary-for_5.html
Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary for Syndicate Bank PO (PGDBF) 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 5, 2017 Meaning: (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked Synonym: deliberate, malicious, Antonym: justifiable Sentence: ...

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