General Knowledge Quiz - Set 100

February 15, 2017    

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  • Where is India's satellite launch pad located ?
  • Which state is known as the 'Granary of India' ?
  • Which is the largest snail in the world ?
  • Name the Oscar winning movies that have won 11 or more awards.
  • Name the dynasty whose founder was Bahlul.
  • Who was the first African American to win the Oscar for Best Actress in Supporting Role?
  • What is the parliament of Germany called ?
  • Where in India is the first Experimental Satellite Communication Earth Station located ?
  • What is the parliament of Iran called ?
  • Name the heaviest carnivorous bird.
  • What is the fear of water called ?
  • Who was known as Father of Comedy in ancient Athens ?
  • Who is the author of 'Midnight's Children' ?
  • Who is the author of `Meghadoota' ?
  • Which bird is the symbol of peace ?
  • Ala-ud-din was the most famous ruler of which dynasty ?
  • Name India's first defence satellite ?
  • Who invented Chewing Gum ?
  • Name the top Indian honor to be presented to the best performances in Music, Dance, Theatre and other arts ?
Rajarajeshwari. M

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General Knowledge Quiz - Set 100 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 15, 2017 sponsored links Where is India's satellite launch pad located ? Which state is known as the 'Granary of India' ? Which is...

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