English Vocabulary from "The Hindu News Paper" - 8th February 2017

February 10, 2017    

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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 8th February 2017. Happy reading :)
Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Rollback in Romania"
  • Rollback - to remove something, or to reduce the influence of something
  • Protest - an occasion when people show that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc
  • Convulse - if you are convulsed with a strong emotion, it makes your body move in an uncontrolled way
  • Decriminalise - to stop something from being illegal
  • Graft - dishonest or illegal activities in politics or business that involve giving people money or advantages in exchange for their help or support
  • Threshold - the level or point at which something starts to happen
  • Ostensibly - used for saying that although someone pretends to have one reason for something, there is in fact another reason
  • Throw your weight behind someone/something - to use your power to support a plan or a project
  • Outcry - a strong expression of anger and disapproval about something, made by a group of people or by the public
  • Blatant - done in an obvious way that shows you are not embarrassed or ashamed to be doing something bad or illegal
  • Anticipate - to imagine or expect that something will happen
  • Coalition - a temporary union of different political parties that agree to form a government together
  • Convicted - proved to be guilty of a crime by a court of law
  • Overzealous - doing something so much that it causes problems
  • Endeavour - an effort to do something, especially something new or difficult
  • Combat - fight
  • Venturing - to do something that is a risk
  • Perceive - to understand or think about something in a particular way
  • Rescind - to make a law, agreement, order, or decision no longer have any (legal) power
  • Decree - an official decision or order made by a leader or government
  • Let off - to allow someone not to do something that they were expecting to have to do
  • Offender - someone who has committed a crime
  • Insistent - saying very firmly that something must happen or that something is true
  • Pursuing - to follow a course of activity
  • Pardon - to forgive someone
  • Errant - behaving in a way that is bad or wrong
  • Overcrowding - unpleasant conditions caused by too many people or things being in the same place
  • Precondition - something that must happen or be done before something else can happen
  • Enforcement - the process of making sure that something happens, especially that people obey a law or rule
  • Uneasily - slightly worried or uncomfortable about a particular situation
  • Sizeable - large
  • Potentially - possibly true in the future, but not true now
  • Erode - to gradually reduce the strength or importance of something
  • Accountability - a situation in which people know who is responsible for something and can ask them to explain its state or quality
  • Fritter away - to waste money, time, or an opportunity
  • Integration - the process of combining two or more things into one

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Testing times on NEET"
  • Gambit - something that you say or do in an attempt to gain an advantage
  • Uniform - the same; not changing or different in any way
  • Retain - to keep or continue to have something
  • Likely - probably going to happen, or probably true
  • Displease - to annoy someone, or to make them angry, for example by making a mistake
  • Insist - to say very firmly that something must happen or must be done
  • Assent - agreement with or approval of a plan or suggestion
  • Repugnant - extremely unpleasant or offensive
  • Abolish - to officially get rid of a law, system, practice etc
  • Traumatic - a traumatic experience or event makes you feel very upset, afraid, or shocked
  • Insurmountable - impossible to deal with successfully
  • Underprivileged - not having as many advantages or opportunities as most other people
  • Urban - relating to towns and cities
  • Verdict - an official judgment made in a court
  • Anxiety - a worried feeling you have because you think something bad might happen
  • Promulgate - to make an idea or belief known to as many people as possible
  • Inevitable - impossible to avoid or prevent
  • Conflict - angry disagreement between people or groups
  • Transparent - open and honest, without secrets
  • Curb - to control
  • Rampant - existing, happening, or spreading in an uncontrolled way
  • Commercialisation - to develop something so that you can sell it and make a profit
  • Laudable - deserving to be praised or admired
  • Uniformity - the state of being the same as each other or as everything else
  • Linguistic - relating to languages, words
  • Disparity - a lack of equality or similarity, especially in a way that is not fair
  • Harmonise - to make laws or policies similar to those of a different country, organization etc
  • Viable - able to be done, or worth doing
  • Insulate - to protect someone or something from harmful experiences or influences
  • Exploitation - unfair treatment of someone, or the use of a situation in a way that is wrong, in order to get some benefit for yourself

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English Vocabulary from "The Hindu News Paper" - 8th February 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 10, 2017 sponsored links Hai Friends I'm Kani . Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated...

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