English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Fill Ups)

February 26, 2017    

English Practice Questions with Explanation (Based on New Pattern)
English Practice Questions with Explanation (Fill UpsSet-23:
Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice English Questions with explanation based on new pattern, candidates those who are preparing for upcoming examination can make use of it.
Directions (Q 1-10): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are four words denoted by numbers a), b), c) and d). Find out ONE word that to be fitted in both the sentences I and II and another word that fit to the sentence III and to make it meaningfully complete. In case no word is fit to these sentences, option 'e' is the answer.
1). I. At one point, it looked as if an area of agreement would _____________ especially over the issue of productivity linked wages.
II. Studies show that riots ___________ mainly in those cities where disorderly tactics can work - where riots stand a chance of getting results other than all-out repression.
III. Because the ___________ public wanted to believe the killer was off the streets, they never questioned the arrest of an innocent man.
a)   Come out, innocent
b)   Develop, naive
c)   Emerge, credulous
d)   Grow, vociferous
e)   Appear, credible
2). I. The political candidate often tries to _________ his rival as a wealthy man who is out of touch with the common people.
II. The drawings on the cave walls __________ the lives of the earliest men on the planet.
III. The communalist represents the __________ of everything noble that we have inherited from our culture and history.
a)   Highlight, antidote
b)   Follow, immorality
c)   Offer, antagonism
d)   Present, depravity
e)   Depict, antithesis
3). I. He hoped to ___________ a response from his inquiry to the publisher so he could release his new novel.
II. If you want to __________ business from them, you’ll have to communicate at their level.
III. The computer company has made a pledge to bring technology to __________ people in the underdeveloped regions of Africa.
a)   Seek, modern
b)   Solicit, primitive
c)   Implore, new
d)   Entreat, innovative
e)   Request, existing
4). I. Moreover, a fact finding mission _________ by BSN to India in January this year strongly recommended that the French group should go it alone, and not hand over control to an Indian Partner.
II. Bala went into a small reception room, one door of which led into a study, the very one from which the Russian Emperor had ________ him on his mission.
III. The earth is at present in great danger of becoming uninhabitable because of _______ environmental pollution which is going on at an incredible rapid pace.
a)   Constituted, gigantic
b)   Comprised, inhuman
c)   Represented, stupendous
d)   Dispatched, colossal
e)   Characterized, enormous
5). I. The plane with a crew of five _______ earlier from Cali, 500 kilometers south- east of Bogota.
II. In the marriage ceremony of the ancient Incas, the couple was considered officially wed when they __________ their sandals, and handed them to each other.
III. Now, the management graduate can expect to have a prosperous life on a ______ income without having to depend on finding a place in family business having to tend the paternal estates.
a)   Took off, regular
b)   Took away, professional
c)   Take up, meaningful
d)   Took over, dependable
e)   Took up, steady
6). I. She dropped the bowl and watched as glass shards started to _______ on the kitchen floor.
II. Knowing that everyone would _______ after graduation, she was worried that she would not see her friends anymore.
III. He tried to ________ his rude behavior by saying that he was drunk and he didn't know what he was doing.
a)   Deviate, apology
b)   Diverge, excuse
c)   Wander, regret for
d)   Amble, explain
e)   Stroll, explicate
7). I. Although the prisoners of war were fed three meals a day, many of them still looked __________ and hungry.
II. Because the puppy had gone unfed for several days, it was now so _______ that its bones were visible through its skin.
III. He knew everything better than anybody else, and it was an affront to his ___________ vanity that you should disagree with him.
a)   Frivolous, overdrawn
b)   Disturbed, overwrought
c)   Flippant, overwhelming
d)   Agitated, overweening
e)   Emaciated, over strung
8). I. Deva grew up to be an _________ man because his parents never told him the difference between right and wrong.
II. During battle, many soldiers become _______ and forget the difference between wrong and right while fighting for their lives.
III. Because Sarah is disabled, she tends to ___________ non-disabled people who use handicapped parking spaces.
a)   Moral, discard
b)   Immoral, neglect
c)   Amoral, despise
d)   Irrelevant, ignore
e)   Extraneous, deride
9). I. The rust is ________ by voltaic action; the iron forms the negative pole, the zinc the positive of a voltaic cell, in which the water is resolved into its constituents, viz.
II. When the undergrowth of a wood is _________, as it often is every few years, it is easy to observe a considerable difference in the fungi.
III. State officials refused to _________ the official number of residents seriously affected by the contaminated water supply.
a)   Cleared away, disclose
b)   Cleared out, conceal
c)   Cleared off, release
d)   Cleared up, obscure
e)   Cleared on, hide
10). I. Democratic government is based on the __________ of the governed and represents an attempt to make authority accountable to the people.
II. Fraud charges were filed after the woman used a friend’s credit card without her _________.
III. The astronauts became _________ on Mars when their rocket broke down soon after landing on the red planet.
a)   Approval, abandoned
b)   Authorization, trapped
c)   Support, ensnared
d)   Consent, stranded
e)   Endorsement, fascinated
1). Answer: c)
Emerge – move out of or away from something and come into view.
Credulous – having or showing too great a readiness to believe things.
2). Answer: e)
Depict – show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form.
Antithesis – a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.
3). Answer: b)
Solicit – ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.
Primitive – a person belonging to a preliterate, nonindustrial society or culture.
4). Answer: d)
Dispatched – deal with (a task, problem, or opponent) quickly and efficiently or send off to a destination or for a purpose.
Colossal – extremely large.
5). Answer: a)
Took off – an instance of becoming airborne or depart hastily.
Regular – arranged in or constituting a constant or definite pattern, especially with the same space between individual instances.
6). Answer: b)
Diverge – develop in a different direction or separate from another route and go in a different direction.
Excuse – a reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or offense.
7). Answer: e)
Emaciated – abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food.
Over strung – (of a person) extremely nervous or tense.
8). Answer: c)
Amoral – lacking a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something.
Despise – feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.
9). Answer: a)
Cleared away – removed
Disclose – make (secret or new information) known.
10). Answer: d)
Consent – permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
Stranded – (of a boat, sailor, or sea creature) left aground on a shore.

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English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Fill Ups) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 26, 2017 English Practice Questions with Explanation ( Fill Ups )  Set-23 : Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice English Questions with ex...

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