Q1. The concept of'Micro Credit' essentially concentrates on?
(a) consumption smoothening as and when needed
(b) providing safe place to hold savings
(c) accepting deposits
(d) provision of credit to the poor
Q2. Which of the following will set up core banking infrastructure for rural banks?
(b) IBA
(c) RBI
Q3. Which organization provides credit history of the borrowers?
(b) CII
(c) FRBI
(d) IRDA
Q4. Collective consumption means
(a) Household consumption
(b) Individual consumption
(c) Self-consumption
(d) Consumption by the citizens of the country
Q5. Increase in cash reserve ratio leads to
(a) Increase in bank credit
(b) Decrease in bank credit
(c) Constant bank credit
(d) Excess bank credit
Q6. The Phillip’s curve is the schedule showing the relationship between
(a) Aggregate supply and demand
(b) Total saving and investment
(c) The rate of unemployment and rate of inflation
(d) Demand for and supply of loanable funds
Q7. Economics is a
(a) Computer science
(b) Physical science
(c) Social science
(d) Natural science
Q8. Extreme forms of market are
(a) Perfect competition, monopolistic
(b) Perfect competition, monopoly competition
(c) Perfect competition oligopoly
(d) Oligopoly monopoly
Q9. Tooth paste is a product sold under
(a) Monopolistic competition
(b) Perfect Competition
(c) Monopoly
(d) Duopoly
Q10. For an inferior good, demand falls when
(a) Price rises
(b) Income rise
(c) Price falls
(d) Income falls
Q11. Equilibrium price is the price when
(a) Supply is greater than demand
(b) Supply is less than demand
(c) Demand is very high
(d) Supply is equal to demand
Q12. Price theory is also known as
(a) Macro Economics
(b) Development Economics
(c) Public Economics
(d) Micro Economics
Q13. Who defined investment as “the construction of a new capital asset like machinery or factory building”?
(a) Hansen
(b) JM Keynes
(c) Harrod
(d) JR Hicks
Q14. In Economics the ‘Utility’ and ‘Usefulness’ have
(a) Same meaning
(b) Different meaning
(c) Opposite meaning
(d) None of the above
Q15. An exceptional demand curve is one that moves
(a) Upward to the right
(b) Downward to the right
(c) Horizontally
(d) Vertically
Answers will be updated soon....

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