English Quiz For SSC MAINS Exam: ANTONYMS
Dear Readers,
We are providing the alternate quizzes on Antonym/Synonym/Spelling error. From this section you will get at least 10-15 questions in SSC CGL TIER-II Exam. So from this quiz one can prepare vocabulary portion on da…Read More
Special Quant Quiz (Arithmetic) SSC CGL Tier-II 2016
Q1. Two trains, 130 m and 110 m long, while going in the same direction, the faster train takes one minute to pass the other completely. If they are moving in opposite direction, they pass each other completely in 3 seconds. Find the speed of each …Read More
Reasoning Quiz SSC CHSL 2016
Q1. Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure?
Q2. From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded
Q3. A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in…Read More
Special Quant Quiz (Miscellaneous) SSC CGL Tier-II 2016
Q9. Ratios between the no. of sides and each interior angles for two regular polygons are 5:6 and 24:25 respectively. Then what are the no. of sides of those polygons?
(a) 20, 24
(b) 25, 18
(c) 10, 12
(d) 5, 6
Q10. If A (2, 3), B (…Read More
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