Don't be dormant, Work Hard and things will fall in right place!

February 20, 2017    

After the drastic changes in examination level in 2016, maybe many of you were in a state of indolent, dozy, demotivated and disappointment but at the same time, a non-living thing after lying 15 decades in sleep- India’s only active volcano, the Barren Islands volcano, located in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, erupted for about four hours in January this year. Nothing is this world stays steady and permanent. There is a time when everyone has to take up a wake-up call and run for their final race which will decide your upcoming existence in this world, where no one cares whether you are alive or deceased. It is your wake-up call now!
This is the time where apple and blackberry are not just a fruit and twitter is not only a bird, you have to be fast and vigorous to achieve your goal. If a non-living can’t stay dead for long then how can be you, after having all functions, working properly according to one's will. With every passing second in this fast world, someone is going ahead of you and to beat them you have to be very fast and furious.

Many relative and family members will tell you that this task is not your cup of tea and always show you that side of a coin which is not in your favour like your category, your past, and your so-called rivals; as scientist predicted about the volcano that it was dormant but it exploded and similarly you have to be vigorous for your career. There are many negative and distracting element but you have to find your magma chamber to stay active. But for that, you have to get up and start collecting arsenal to form a conduit.

Focus all your energy to the crust and the day will come when your success will burst out with the smoke of happiness and joy, and the lava of your hard work will entice everyone on your side to see the glimpse of your black graphite future turning into a sparkling diamond by the heat of lava. And that moment will be historic for you which you will never forget or lets other too.

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Don't be dormant, Work Hard and things will fall in right place! 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 20, 2017 After the drastic changes in examination level in 2016, maybe many of you were in a state of indolent, dozy, demotivated and disappointment...

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