Dare to Dream : Live Session With Mr Anil Nagar (CEO, Adda247)

February 2, 2017    

Success is what every aspirant thrives for, but success has its fair share of hurdles, obstacles for everyone. Whether you are preparing for Banking or SSC or at any point in your life you'll have to face ups and downs but there is one thing which is very important, a vision, a goal or a DREAM ! 

Today, be ready to DARE TO DREAM on a special LIVE session with Mr. Anil Nagar, co-founder and CEO of ADDA247 at 1PM on ADDA 247 YouTube Channel. 

While most are dreaming of success, winners wake up and work hard for it. In this special session get motivation from Anil Sir, and his journey, and also ask your queries in the Live session. Yes! be ready with your questions, your dilemmas which are buzzing unanswered in your mind. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

Though all of us face challenge in our lives,  but his struggles started at a very early age, when, at the age of 17 years, he left his village in search of guidance for the preparation of IIT JEE Exam. He knew that he wanted to get into IIT but was not able to get any guidance in his village regarding preparations. So, one day he decided to move to Delhi and find his own destiny. They say "Where there is will, there is a way", but he says "I will find a way or I will make one". The statement reflects a lot on the self-conviction and will power of the leader.

Exciting? So, be ready with your queries today at 1PM.

- http://www.sscadda.com/2017/02/dare-to-dream-live-session-with-mr-anil_2.html
Dare to Dream : Live Session With Mr Anil Nagar (CEO, Adda247) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 2, 2017 Success is what every aspirant thrives for, but success has its fair share of hurdles, obstacles for everyone. Whether you are preparing fo...

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