Biology Questions for SSC CGL Exam

February 21, 2017    

Dear  Readers,

We are providing the alternate quizzes on Chemistry/Biology/Physics. From this section you will get at least 7-8 questions in SSC CGL Exam. So from this quiz one can prepare general science section on daily basis.

Q1. Pigmentation of skin is due to- 
(a) lymphocytes 
(b) monocytes 
(c) leucocytes 
(d) melanocytes 

Q2. Plants wilt due to excess of- 
(a) absorption
(b) photosynthesis 
(c) transpiration 
(d) none of these 

Q3. The process of formation of blood corpuscles is called-
(a) Haemopoiesis 
(b) Haemolysis 
(c) Haemozoin 
(d) None of these 

Q4. In old age stiffness of joints is due to the-
(a) hardening of bones 
(b) inefficiency of muscles 
(c) decrease in synovial fluid 
(d) enlargement of bones 

Q5. The only movable bone in the skull is- 
(a) maxilla 
(b) frontoparietal 
(c) mandible 
(d) nasal 

Q6. Tibia is a bone found in the-  
(a) skull 
(b) arm 
(c) leg
(d) face 

Q7. The exchange of gases in mammals takes place in the- 
(a) larynx 
(b) trachea 
(c) alveoli 
(d) bronchi 

Q8. During the day time plants-
(a) take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide 
(b) take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen 
(c) take in nitrogen and give out oxygen 
(d) take in carbon dioxide and give out nitrogen 

Q9. The alimentary canal is usually longer in- 
(a) Carnivores 
(b) Herbivores 
(c) Omnivores 
(d) Insectivores 

Q10. Phenomenon which converts light energy into chemical energy is- 
(a) Respiration 
(b) Photosynthesis 
(c) Transpiration 
(d) None of these 

Q11. Blood haemoglobin has high affinity- 
(a) CO2
(b) CO
(c) O2
(d) H

Q12. Enzymes help in-
(a) Respiration 
(b) Digestion of food 
(c) Immune system 
(d) Reproduction 

Q13. The human cell contains-
(a) 44 chromosomes 
(b) 48 chromosomes
(c) 46 chromosomes
(d) 23 chromosomes 

Q14. Snakes and lizards are animals that are-  
(a) Warm-blooded 
(b) Cold-blooded 
(c) Both 
(d) None of these 

Q15. Bactria and fungi developing on dead decaying organisms are-
(a) Parasites  
(b) Commensals 
(c) Saprophytes 
(d) Symbionts 

Biology Questions for SSC CGL Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 21, 2017 D ear  Readers, We are providing the altern ate quizzes on Chemistry/Biology/Physics. From this section you will get at le ast 7-8 ques...

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