Q1. The basic unit of all living organisms is-
(a) A drop of blood
(b) A molecule of glucose
(c) A set of proteins
(d) A cell
(a) A mammal
(b) A reptile
(c) An amphibian
(d) An avian
Q3. Which of the following is not the characteristic of Fungi?
(a) Autotrophic
(b) Heterotrophic
(c) Parasitic
(d) Saprophytic
Q4. Mammals are-
(a) Warm-blooded
(b) Cold-blooded
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Q5. Outer covering of virus made up of protein is-
(a) Capsid
(b) Coat
(c) Virion
(d) Viroid
Q6. Which of the following is a parasitic plant?
(a) Cuscuta
(b) Banyan
(c) Amarbel
(d) All of the above
Q7. Which of the following is not a mammal?
(a) Fish
(b) Cow
(c) Goat
(d) Whale
Q8. The process of cell division can take place by-
(a) Heterosis
(b) Fusion
(c) Mitosis
(d) None of these
Q9. The organelle that make ATP is-
(a) Microbody
(b) Nucleus
(c) Mitochondrion
(d) Ribosome
Q10. Deficiency of iron in human diet causes-
(a) Goitre
(b) Scurvy
(c) Anaemia
(d) Rickets
Q11. Collar bone is known as-
(a) scapula
(b) coracoid
(c) patella
(d) clavicle
Q12. In human teeth, the type that help in cutting are
(a) canines
(b) incisors
(c) molars
(d) premolars
Q13. What is the main component of bones and teeth?
(a) calcium carbonate
(b) calcium phosphate
(c) calcium sulphate
(d) calcium nitrate
Q14. In mammals, which of the following contains blood with the highest oxygen content?
(a) right atrium
(b) jugular vein
(c) pulmonary artery
(d) left ventricle
Q15. Colour blindness is a
(a) sex-limited character
(b) sex-linked character
(c) sex-influenced character
(d) none of the above
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