Suryamitra initiative is a residential program to develop skilled technicians in solar powered projectsNeed for Suryamitra
- India has set a target of 100 GW solar power in 25 years
- According to Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) estimates, this will need about 6.5 lakh trained personnel in the solar energy field
- Suryamitra course is designed to meet this need
About Suryamitra initiative
- Suryamitra initiative is a part of Make in India scheme
- It is a 3 month training course
- The entire course is completed in 600 hours
- This skill development program is aimed to create skilled manpower in solar power plant and equipment installations
- To train 50000 Suryamitras in the field of solar energy
- In 2016, 3200 suryamitras are trained
- 7000 new suryamitras to be trained in the fiscal 2016 - 2017
- To achieve the entire target of 50000 suryamitras in next 3 years
- MNRE is the institution to set these targets
Nodal Agency
- National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) is the implementation agency of Suryamitra
- Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)
About National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE)
- It is an autonomous institution under MNRE
- NISE is the successor of Solar Energy Center (SEC)
- GOI has converted SEC that was in operation for 25 years into NISE under MNRE
- NISE is the apex R & D institution in the field of solar energy
- NISE helps GOI in achieving the National Solar Mission
- NISE coordinates technology and research work pertaining to Solar power
Funding Agency
100 % funding of Suryamitra by GOI
Services covered under Suryamitra
- Solar project installation
- Provide servicing for solar powered panels
- Solar project repair
- Solar equipment servicing
- Solar project maintenance
- Servicing in solar power plants
- Servicing of solar products like
Solar pumps
Solar lamps
Solar heaters etc
- Suryamitras are skilled technicians in the above services
Recent Developments
- NISE developed the Suryamitra App recently
- It is a GPS based mobile App
- This mobile app can handle 1000’s of calls at the same time
- The app is categorized in the high end technology platform segment
- The suryamitra app enables monitoring of suryamitra visits in an efficient manner
Training Institutes of Suryamitra
- Polytechnic
- Universities
- Educational institutions etc
- Suryamitra skill development programs are conducted in the above institutes and various other locations across the country
- Suryamitra scheme creates job opportunities in various solar industries
- Helps in reducing the unemployed youth
- 80 percent of the trained suryamitras are placed in a solar field company with a good remuneration
- Rest of the suryamitras are becoming entrepreneurs in the solar energy field
- The skill development program promotes entrepreneurship and employment
- Suryamitra will create employment in the solar energy field
- Solar energy use will be projected to the public through the Suryamitra mobile app
- Suryamitra mobile app create demand for solar based products and act as a catalyst
- Overall, Conventional energy consumption will be reduced to a great extent by switching to solar energy benefiting India as a whole

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