Rule Related to Pronoun for Error Spotting: Part 2

January 28, 2017    


Rule 1

Do not use same as a pronoun in the sentence.
  • He shall give you a book and the same is very useful.
Correct statement : He shall give you a book and it is very useful.
  • She bought a house and is living in the same.
Correct statement : She bought a house and is living in it.

Rule 2

Both should always be used with and only and not with as well as and also negative sentence is avoided with Both.
  • Both me as well as my brother like ice cream.
Correct statement: Both me and my brother like ice cream.
  • Gopal is both intelligent as well as cute.
Correct statement : Gopal is both intelligent and cute.

Rule 3

Each and every should always be followed by singular verb and pronoun.
  • Every student of this class are very talented.
Correct statement: Every student of this class is very talented.
  • Each and every time he comes here with there friends.
Correct statement : Each and every time he come here with his friends.

Rule 4

Pronoun that should always be used with the words like all, the same, only, None, anybody, nothing, somebody etc.
  • Anybody knows this person who came yesterday.
Correct statement : Anybody knows that person who came yesterday.
  • The same car which I brought has already available there.
Correct statement :The same car that I brought has already available there.

Rule 5

Pronoun that should be used if the sentence have superlative degree used in it.
  • He is the most talented person I have ever seen.
Correct statement :He is the most talented person that I have ever seen.
  • This is the biggest creature found here.
Correct statement: This is the biggest creature that found here.

Rule 6

If the sentence is describing same person, same number, same gender then in that case Antecedent Rule is applied. 
Antecedent Rule: A pronoun is a word used to stand for (or take the place of) a noun. A word can refer to an earlier noun or pronoun in the sentence.
  • He must follow rules while driving His car.
  • One Should be cautious for One's behaviour.

Rule 7

With the pronoun like either of,each of, Neither of, One of, None of, Number of, Any of use always Plural noun and singular verb.
  • Either of three girl got award.
Correct statement : Either of three girls got award.
  • Neither of these boy are of good nature.
Correct statement : Neither of these boys is of good nature.

Rule 8

If sentence contain Either or , Neither nor or Not only but also in such a case verb is always used according to the second subject.
  • Neither she Nor they is going to party.
Correct statement Neither she Nor they are going for party.
  • Either Rahul or His friend are unable to attend that meeting.
Correct statement : Either Rahul or His friend is unable to attend that meeting.

Rule 9

The Number of is always followed by Plural noun with singular verb and A Number of is always followed by Plural noun with Plural Verb.
  • A number of boy is reading books.
Correct statement : A Number of boys are reading books.
  • The number of boy are reading books.
Correct statement : The Number of boys is reading books.
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Rule Related to Pronoun for Error Spotting: Part 2 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 28, 2017   Rule 1 Do not use same as a pronoun in the sentence. Example He shall give you a book and the same is very useful. Correct statem...

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