Practice Reasoning Questions (Syllogism) Based on Today’s IPPB Exam Pattern

January 7, 2017    

Practice Reasoning Questions (Syllogism) Based on Today’s IPPB Exam Pattern:
Dear Readers, we have given here the Reasoning Practice Questions Based on Today’s IPPB Exam Pattern. Candidates can use this material for their preparations.

Directions (1-5):In each questions below are given three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II .You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer
1)    If only conclusion I follows.
2)    If only conclusion II follows.
3)    If either conclusion I or II follows.
4)    If neither conclusions I nor II follows.
5)    If both conclusions I and II follow.
1). Statements: 
Some audi are hyundais.
All audis are toyotas.
All toyotas are volvos.
I. Some audis are not volvos.
II. All toyotas being hyundais is a possibility.
All bluebells are buttercups.
No buttercup is a clover.                         
All clovers are daisys.
I. All bluebells being daisys is a possibility.
II. No bluebell is a clover
3). Statements: 
some mouses are keyboards.                          
All CPUs are mouses.                          
No CPU is a book.
Conclusions: I. Some keyboards, if they are CPUs, are also mouses.
II. All books being mouses is a possibility.
4). Statements: 
All doctors are professors.                       
Some doctors are intelligent.                       
No intelligent is poor.
I. At least some doctors being poor is a possibility.
II. All doctors, if they are intelligent, are also poor.
5). Statements: 
No paper is thin.                        
All thins are circulars.                         
No circular is a metal.
I. All metals being thin is a possibility.                       
II. Some papers are not circulars.
Directions (Q. 6-10): In each of the question below, three statements are given followed by conclusions/ group of conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume all the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given two conclusions logically follows from the information given in the statements. Give Answer-
a) If only conclusion I is true.
b) If only conclusion II is true
c) If either conclusion I or II is true
d) If neither conclusion I nor II is true
e) If both conclusions I and II are true
6) Statements: 
All wires are metals 
Some metals are switches 
Some switches are panels
I. Some wires are switches. 
II. Some metals are panels.


All curtains are carpets. 
All carpets are usually not Nylon. 
Some Nylon are threads.
7) Conclusions: 
I. No carpet is thread 
II. Some curtains may be Nylon.

No roll is a bun. 
All rolls are cream. 
Some cream are pies.
8) Conclusions: 
I. All rolls are pies. 
II. Some rolls are pies.

9) Statements: 
All numbers are digits.
Some letters are words.
No digit is a letter.
I. Some digits are number.
II. Some words are not digits.
10) Statements:
Some screens are desktops.
No keyboard is a desktop.
No mouse is a screen.
I. some screens are not keyboard.
II. All mouse are screen.
Answers with Explanation
1. All audis are toyotas (A) +All toyotas are volvos (A) =A+A=A=All audis are volvos (A).Hence I does not follow.
  Again, some audis are hyundais (I)conversionSome hyundais are audis(I)+All audis are toyotas(A)=I+A=I=Some hyundais are olders (I).Hence the possibility in II exists. Hence conclusion II follows.
Answer: (b)
2. All bluebells are buttercups (a)+No buttercup is a clover (E)=A+E=E=No bluebell is a clover (E).Hence conclusion II follows.
  Now, No bluebell is a clover (E) +All clovers are daisys (A) =E+A=O* =Some daisys are not bluebells. Hence the possibility in I exists. Hence conclusion I also follows.
 Answer: (e)
3. All CPUs are mouses (A) conversionSome mouses are CPUs(I)+No CPU is a book (E)=I+E=Some mouses are not books (O).Hence the possibility in II exists. Hence conclusion II follows.
Again, All CPUs are mouses. Hence I follows.
Answer: (e)
4. Some doctors are intelligent (I) +No intelligent is poor (E) =I+E=O=Some doctors are not poor(O).Thus the possibility in I exists. Hence conclusion I follows. But II does not follow because No intelligent is poor.
Answer: (a)
5. All things are circulars (A) +No circular is a metal (E)=A+E=E=No thin is a metal(E).Hence, I does not follow.
Again, No paper is thins are circulars (A) =E+A=O*=Some circulars are not papers (O*).Hence, II does not follow.
Answer: (d)
Thus, neither conclusion I nor II follows
Only II follows
 None follows

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Practice Reasoning Questions (Syllogism) Based on Today’s IPPB Exam Pattern 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 7, 2017 Practice Reasoning Questions (Syllogism) Based on Today’s IPPB Exam Pattern: Dear Readers, we have given here the Reasoning Practice Quest...

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