Dear Readers, we have given here the English Practice Questions for upcoming Exams 2017. Candidates can use this material for their preparations.
Directions (Q.1-5): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is ‘No error’, the answer is e). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
1). Sanjana said a)/ that her father b)/ had allowed her to sleep over c)/ at my house today night. d)/ No error e)/.
2). I recommend a)/ you eat only organic fruits b)/ and vegetables, c)/ that are available in local grocery stores. d)/ No error e)/.
3). All the doctors were a)/ puzzled on the b)/ strange symptoms c)/ reported by the patient.d)/ No error e)/.
4). Had he not been on his way a)/ to buy a new cart b)/, he would never have been in possessing c)/ of a hundred rupee note d)/. No error e)/.
5). A fierce white scar ran from his prominent cheekbone a)/ nearly to the right hand corner of his mouth b)/ so his lips seem turned up on a side c)/ in a grotesque smile d)/. No error e)/.
Directions (Q. 6-10): In each sentence below four words have been printed in bold which are numbered a), b), c) and d). One of these words may be misspelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the wrongly spelt or inappropriate words. The number of that word is the answer. If all four words are correctly spelt and appropriate the answer is e), ie 'All correct.'
6). You will find their homes adourned a)/ with pictures of Hindu deities b)/ and their immense respect for Hindu gods and goddesses even c)/ when their religious practices are Islamic d)/. All correct e).
7). Oppressive working conditions have a)/ steadily improved in the last 6 months b)/, but more must be done to reduce c)/ the amount of overtime that employees work. 4)/ All correct e) .
8). If Shreya could seen a)/ the powerful women b)/ in her party now c)/, she would probably be tickled d)/. All correct e).
9). Obviously, this goes way a)/, way deeper than b)/ social awkwordness c)/ or inept phraseology. d)/ All correct e).
10). The musical faternity a)/ at large does not feel it necessary to give karnatik music, b)/ especially its compositional forms, c)/ a purely aesthetic thought. d)/ All correct e).
1).D) Replcing 'today night' would be 'to night'.
2). D) Relacing 'that' would be 'which'.
3). B) The preposition 'on' should be replaced by 'by'.
4). C) 'he would never have been in possession' is the correct form.
5). C) 'so his lips seemed turned up on one side' is the correct form.
6). A) The correct spelling is adorned.
7). E) No error
8). A) Replace 'seen' with 'see'
9). C) The correct spelling is awkwardness.
10). A) The correct spelling is fraternity.
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