MEGA SALE Extended: Flat 26% OFF on all Career Power Test Series

January 31, 2017    

Dear Readers,
Yesterday was the last day of Republic Day Sale, have you turned it to your advantage?
If No, then we have extended this Mega Sale for TODAY only, giving you a chance to avail this Offer and be a part of a large competition for your practice and know where you stand among Lakhs of students. Exams are on the head and to win that battle with flying colours we provide you with the best tool and the best platform you’ll need, so what else to wait for?

Last Day to avail 26% offer

On the occasion of Republic Day Bankersadda, SSCadda and Adda247 in association with Career Power gave a MEGA Discount of FLAT 26% Off on all Career Power Test Series.The competition you'll face while attempting the speed test will give you the same taste that you get while attempting the Real Exam. And today is the last day for you to avail that offer.

You can get it on any test series that you will purchase from store.adda247 whether its banking or SSC. The Code You need to Enter in the Apply Coupon section is REP26.
By enrolling with Career Power Test Series you’ll have a chance to complete with Lakhs of students and you’ll be able to know your rank and moreover, you’ll be able to know your weaknesses and strength. It’s the time to make a move and study smartly. You can give exam to test yourself before the actual exam itself with the same level and platform. So on the day of the real face off you won’t be puzzled.
How can YOU benefit from Career Power Test Series
As every exam is different with a level and so thus there is a need to practice accordingly. With Career Power Test series you’ll get the questions of same level and pattern which you will face in the actual exam itself.
You’ll be able to practice in real time environment as that of the examination you’ll face.
You’ll be able to know your rank among others appearing for that test. So don’t you want to know where you stand? You can then improve yourself accordingly.
You can choose to avail Career Power Test Series from subject wise topics to a complete test as a whole. Yes, you don’t necessarily have to get struck on a whole Bank exam test, if you wish to practice just puzzles, you can easily choose to avail Career Power’s Puzzles Online Test series, and practice according to your need.
You can access Career Power Test Series 24×7 and also on Adda247 App.
You’ll get detailed solution for every question, so if you get struck somewhere no need to wonder how that question is solved, you can easily refer to the solution.
This is the Last Day of this OFFER as it is extended for today only, Go Grab it, it’s your chance to make the most out of the opportunities available to you.

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MEGA SALE Extended: Flat 26% OFF on all Career Power Test Series 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 31, 2017 Dear Readers, Yesterday was the last day of Republic Day Sale, have you turned it to your advantage? If No, then  we have extended this M...

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