IPPB & IBPS SO 2017- Practice Reasoning Questions (Seating Arrangement & Statement Argument)

January 12, 2017    

IPPB  & IBPS SO 2017- Practice Reasoning Questions (Seating Arrangement & Statement Argument) - Set- 78:
Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upcoming IPPB & IBPS SO Exams was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for those exams can use this practice questions.
Directions (Q. 1-5) : Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:
Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting around a circular table, facing the centre. Each of them is drinking a different beverages - Tea, Coffee, Juice, Mineral Water, Lemonade, Cola, Coconut Water and Milk, but not necessarily in the same order. Q is sitting second to the left of U. The person drinking milk is an immediate neighbour of U. Only one person sits between the person drinking mineral water and P. The person drinking coffee is on the immediate right of the person drinking mineral water. W is second to the right of U. S is drinking milk. R and T are immediate neighbours. Neither R nor T is drinking mineral water. The person drinking lemonade is on the immediate left of Q. The person drinking cola is second to the right of person drinking coffee. The person drinking coconut water is an immediate neighbour of the person drinking mineral water. R is second to the right of the person drinking tea.
1). Who is second to the right of P?
a)    Q
b)    R
c)    S
d)    T
e)    U
2). Who among the following is drinking coconut water?
a)    Q
b)    V
c)    W
d)    U
e)    T
3). What is the position of V with respect to the person drinking milk?
a)    Third to the left
b)    Second to the right
c)    Second to the left
d)    Third to the right
e)    Immediate right
4). Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a)    Tea - S
b)    Juice - W
c)    Mineral water - T
d)    Lemonade - V
e)    Cola - U
5). Which of the following person is drinking tea?
a)    P
b)    R
c)    T
d)    V
e)    W
6). Which of the following statements is true according to the given arrangement?
a)    The person drinking cola is sitting second to the left of the person drinking Juice.
b)    P is an immediate neighbour of the person drinking Lemonade.
c)    S sits exactly between Q and R.
d)    Only four people sit between W and Q.
e)    All of the given statements are true.
Direction (Q. 7-12):Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given blow it. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both statements and give answer :-
a)    If the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
b)    If the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone is not sufficient.
c)    If the data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
d)    If the data in statement I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
e)    If the data in both statement I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
7). Who among S, R, K, V and P was the first to reach the station?
I) R, who reached earlier than P, S and K was not the first to reach.
II)S, who reached earlier than P and K could not reach earlier than V.
8). Who among P, Q, R, S and T is the smallest?
I) Q is taller than T and S is taller than P but smaller than T.
II) S is not the tallest and R is not the smallest.
9). What is the difference in the ages of Arun and Sunil?
I) Arun is 20 years older than Mohan.
II) Mohan is 2 years younger than Rohan.
10). How is Richa related to Nisha ?
I) Richa's father is brother of Nisha's mother.
II) Nisha is the daughter of Richa's grandfather's only daughter.
11). How many children are there in the row?
I) Varun who is third from the left end is sixth to the left of Gayatri. Who is 10th from the right end.
II) Amit is third to the left of Manoj, who is fifth from the right end and 14th from the left end.
12). In which direction is Sunita with respect to Sachin ?
I) Suresh is to the east of Sachin, who is to the south of Amit.
II) Sunita is to the south of Amit.
Answer Key:
1).B   2).D   3).B   4).C   5).A   6).A   7).A   8).E   9).D   10).C  11).C   12).D
Directions (Q. 1-5):

7). A) From I, V > R > P, S and K Thus, statement I is sufficient From II, R and V > S > P and K Thus, statement II alone is not sufficient.
8). E) From I, Q > T > S > P Thus, I alone is not sufficient From II, S is not tallest and R is not smallest So, II alone is not sufficient.
From I and II, Q > T > S > P and R is not smallest. Thus, P is the smallest among them. Hence, both I and II a necessary to answer.
9). D) From I, nothing is mentioned about Sunil. Form II, nothing is mentioned about Arun and Sunil.

10). C)From I,

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IPPB & IBPS SO 2017- Practice Reasoning Questions (Seating Arrangement & Statement Argument) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 12, 2017 IPPB  & IBPS SO 2017- Practice Reasoning Questions (Seating Arrangement & Statement Argument )  - Set- 78: Dear Readers, Importan...

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