Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam 2017

January 11, 2017    

A Bank has opened a new branch in location. The company has implemented CISCO routers on the network that are configured with the frame relay in capsulation for data transmission. The network administrator wants to measure the speed at which the access link is clocked. Which parameter will be used to measure it
Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam 2017 (Set-22):
Dear Readers, Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam was given here with answers. Aspirants those who are preparing for the examination can use this.

1).Which of the following operations cannot be perform on pointers in C?
a)    Addition of two pointers
b)    Subtraction of a number from a pointer
c)    Subtraction of one pointer from another
d)    Addition of a number to a pointer
e)    None of these

Answer: a)
2).While passing an array as an actual argument, the function call must have
a)    The array name with empty brackets
b)    The array name with its size
c)    The array name alone
d)    All of the above
e)    None of these

Answer: c)
3).The ___________ interface is a two-wire interface that connects to the NTI device.
a)    T
b)    U
c)    R
d)    S
e)    None of these

Answer: b)
4).Filters are used in
a)    firewall
b)    for error detection
c)    Both (1) and (2)
d)    Purifier
e)    None of these

Answer: c)
5).One data dictionary software package is called
a)    DB/DC dictionary
b)    TOTAL
c)    ACCESS
d)    All of the above
e)    None of these

Answer: a)
6).In 8085 microprocessor system with memory mapped I/O.
a)    I/O devices have 8 bit addresses
b)    I/O devices are accessed using IN and OUT in structions
c)    There can be maximum of 256 input devices and 256 output devices
d)    Arithmetic and logic operations can be directly performed with the I/O data
e)    All of the above

Answer: d)
7).In fopen(), the mode that appends (a) to a binary (b) file is
a)    ab
b)    a
c)    a+
d)    r+
e)    None of these

Answer: a)
8).TCP have
a)    32 bit sequence number for connection
b)    48 bit sequence number for header
c)    Its header length is 32 bit
d)    1 and 3 above
e)    None of these

Answer: d)
9).To ______________ an inline function, you should change it to an outline function.
a)    Edit
b)    Debug
c)    Comment out
d)    Remove
e)    None of these

Answer: a)
10).PAN refers to
a)    Peer Area Network
b)    Personnel Area Network
c)    Personal Area network
d)    Payment  Application Network
e)    None of these

Answer: c)
1). a) 2). c) 3). b) 4). c) 5). a) 6). d) 7). a) 8). d) 9). a) 10). c)

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Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 11, 2017 Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer)  Exam 2017 (Set-22) : Dear Readers,  Important Professional Knowledge ...

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