IBPS RRB Officer Scale-1 Interview experience

January 18, 2017    

Dear Readers,
Hello guys! My name is Saurav Das and I belong to Assam. Today I'll share my RRB Officer scale-1 2017 interview experience.
As it was the very first interview of my life, I was really nervous. My interview was at evening shift. 1pm. Guwahati. Reached there at 12.30pm. 1st Biometric then document verification (all went smoothly). It took a long time. They were slow. Immediately after I was done with verification, I was called for interview. It started at around 5.15pm

There were 4 members in the panel. M1,M2,M3 and F1. I wished all the male interviewers together and then the female interviewer.
M1- So you've completed B.tech in chemical engineering, in 2014. Highly qualified! What have you done in these 2 years?
Me- answered.
F1- what are the things in banking that fascinate you?
Me- we get to interact with our customers in banking and being a people's person I can relate to this aspect of banking.
F1- what else? Because you can interact in many other sectors!
Me- In banking, we don't have to be an IITian or a graduate from IIM or any other top notch universities to reach the top level in banking. Eg. A. Bhattacharya of SBI. She's just a B.A in English and now She's the chairman of SBI.
They all were very impressed with the answer and were nodding their head.
M1- yes, you're right. Even I am an IITian.                        
M1- so you want to be at the top level. Good! What are the qualities we should have to reach there?
Me- Talent backed by hard work.
M1- what else?
Me- We've to be honest with our organization. We've to give few internal exams like CAIIB, JAIIB, etc.  
F1- In banking, there is a huge pressure and blah blah blah. Are you ready to take all these pressures?
Me- yes ma'am! M ready.
F1- will you be able to adjust in outskirts?
Me- yes, I can relocate anywhere.
F1- your strengths?
Me- answered.
F1- Your preference while filling?
F1- why Assam?
Me- as I have a dependent and she is my mother. So, I want to remain in my state itself. 
They got emotional and said...
M1- very good. You've responsibilities.
guys, you wanna ask anything else?  
M2- what is octet no.?
Me. I told him why it is used with examples but said sorry sir I don't remember the exact definition.
M1. It okay if you don't know, just say don't know. No worries.
M2. What is radioactive element?
Me. Sorry sir, I don't remember. (as I couldn't recall the definition)
They said. Okay! that's all. Thank you. :)
P.s.- M3 didn't ask a single question. And by their tone and facial expressions, I can say they were happy.                        
And fortunately, my interview was only for 5-6 mins whereas other's interview were around 10-12 mins.
Guys, I would say. Focus more on your graduation topics for RRB, because the other interviewees were asked a lot of questions from graduation.
Saurav Das

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- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/01/ibps-rrb-officer-scale-1-interview.html
IBPS RRB Officer Scale-1 Interview experience 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 18, 2017 Dear Readers, Hello guys! My name is Saurav Das and I belong to Assam. Today I'll share my RRB Officer scale-1 2017 interview experie...

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