HINDU NEWSPAPER Vocabulary for SSC CHSL 2016

January 27, 2017    

vocabulary for SSC Exam
1.Ludicrous(adj): very foolish
Synonym:laughable, absurd, ridiculous, silly
Usage:a ludicrous and easily detected attempt to forge his father's signature on a note to school

2.Nemesis(Noun): an opponent or enemy that is very difficult to defeat
Synonym:avenger, castigator, chastiser, punisher, scourge
Usage:He will be playing his old nemesis for the championship.

3.Nepotism(Noun): the unfair practice by a powerful person of giving jobs and other favors to relatives
Synonym: patronage, favoritism
Usage:Nepotism has hurt the company.

4.Lucrative: producing money or wealth
Synonym:economic, fat, gainful, juicy, profitable, moneymaking, 
Usage:The business has proved to be highly lucrative.

5.Nomadic: roaming about from place to place aimlessly, frequently, or without a fixed pattern of movement
Synonym:roaming,vagabond, wandering
Usage:Raised in a nomadic family, she attended half a dozen different high schools

6.Niggardly: hating to spend money, very small in amount
Synonym: cheap, parsimonious,penurious,
Usage:she's a niggardly woman, so don't expect a handout from her. 

7.Nominal: existing as something in name only : not actual or real, very small in amount
Synonym: inconsiderable, insignificant, minute,
Usage:Her title of vice president had been nominal only.

8.Credulity: ability or willingness to believe something
Synonym: gullibility
Usage:"moneylenders prey upon their credulity and inexperience"

9.Copious: very large in amount or number
Synonym: abundant, ample, 
Usage:The storm produced a copious amount of rain.

10.Corporeal: having or consisting of a physical body or form
Synonym: animal, bodily, carnal, physical, fleshly, material,
Usage:corporeal cravings such as hunger and thirst

- http://www.sscadda.com/2017/01/hindu-newspaper-vocabulary-for-ssc-chsl27.html
HINDU NEWSPAPER Vocabulary for SSC CHSL 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 27, 2017 1.Ludicrous(adj): very foolish Synonym:laughable, absurd, ridiculous, silly Usage:a ludicrous and easily detected attempt to forge his ...

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